r Hours of Practice Result In Beautiful Sound Jazz Band Concert Band Chamber Orchestra Marching Band Pep Band - Chri5 Dei - W<'5 HoI/and The Jazz Band, generall y known for its accompaniment of the Spring Sing hosts and hostesses, stepped out of its traditional role for a while during the year and recorded its first tape. Included in the recording were a few songs from Spring Sing '84 as well as tunes from the band's regular collection. Touring for three days to several Christian high school s, the band displayed their talent s in jazz chart s and pop tunes such as "Sweet Georgia Brown ," "A-Train" and "Yes, Sir, That's my Baby!" Coordi nated and directed by Warren Casey, the ensemble performed for the chapel au228 Music groups dience and presented an ou tdoor concert in May. Harding's 1984 Concert Band distingui shed itself this year from the marching segment , taking in new students in December and making its own spring tour during the March schoo l vacation. The nine-day tour took the concert band through part s of Alabama, Georgia and Fl orida, under the direction of J. Warren Casey, assistant professor of music. Taking a littl e break while passing through Fl orida, t ;"~ band visited the magic kingdom and EPCOT Center, two portions of Walt Disney World in Orlando. To assist students in the instrumental conducting class and to entertain st udents and other passersby, the musical group presented an outdoor concert in front of the administration building in the spring, performing numbers chosen by student conductors. The Harding String Ensemble, consisting primar il y of Sea rcy townspeople and students, had a necessa rily limited repertoire because the group wa s so small , but the emsemble's selections included music from the Classical, Roman tic and Ba roque periods of music's histo ry. Two major performances featured the ensembl e durihg the year . Some of Mozart's work was included in the December conce rt, and the spri ng concert incorporated Mozart, Bach , Vivaldi and Beethoven. Conductor and violinist Travis Cox, assistant professo r of music, stated the purpose of the group was merely to "play the great music as well as we can" and to enjoy it. - Public ReiatiollS Offire Hours and hours of practice each week of the foo tball season brought beautiful results when the Thundering Herd, also known as the Marching Band , paraded into the Bison field to present its halftime show at all of the home footba ll games. Among the changes for this year's squad were new uniforms for the flag line, the featured baton twirler and the new drum majo r. Twi rl er Dede Clements, a senior from San Antonio, Texas, prepared and performed a rou tine for each of the band 's shows, and field director Terry Girdley, a sophomore from Or-