_ Public R"ll'tior1s Office - Public Relatior15 OfficI' Temporarily taking on Ganus' duties was Dr. Arthur Shea rin who led the chorus through a major part of its touring schedule. Chorale made a number of weekend trips and tours. Two fa ll tours took them through Illinoi s and Missouri to si ng for churches and high schoo ls and to recruit new students for Harding. During spring b reak the chorus toured through a large portion of the Southeast under Shearin 's direction. The Chorale annually travelled to the Chris4 - Public Reiatior15 Offi,I' tian College Choral Festival , this yea r spon~ sored by Abi lene Christian University. Joining other international campaigners in the summer of '83, some chorus members toured and campaigned in Belgium for two weeks and in England for a mon th , building up some of the small churches in the two countries. Da il y rehearsals provided .serious time to study music and to perfect performance techni - ques. The annual Chorale picnic and springbanquet provided the food. fun and fellowship . Qfb Working closely with the Admissions Office, the Time of Day traveled extensively over the United States during the year, singing for high school students with the hopes of recrui ting them to Harding University. The group began with no returning members from the previous year ; however , Clay Sturgeon , a former member, made the decision to return and he was joined by Bennett Rye and Dirk Smi th . Long hours of practi ce at the beginning of the semester proved to be fru it ful as they found their sound began to flow together naturally. The three musicians made their campus debut as they emceed the Freshman-Transfer - PI,blic Rell'tioll! Offirl' Talent Show. Their repertoire included bluegrass, country, and popular music which appeal ed to a wide variety of listeners. Joining the group was a high point for Smith , as he had "always dreamed of being in the Time of Day since the group perfo rmed in my home town when I was a high school stu - dent. " For Rye, being in the Time of Day ca rried a purpose beyond that of expressing his musical talent : "God gave me a talent o r two and I had better use them to the best of my ability in serving His purpose. " r:w 1. Time of Day. Sturgeon. Smirll , Rye . 2. Chorale . Fro" t row; Cottrill. Frazier, Rhinehart , Newsom, Qualls. RiclIards. Manley. T. Taylo t,. Hopper. Sec· olld row; McClure . Wilson, Batt y. Truitt . Fralldolig, 101les, Kearley . Gelltry. D. Ta ylor. Dill. Tllird row; BOllstead. lillie Beesoll , T. Gentry, Loftill, Allen , HOlik, Doederlein . Casey. LOllg. Fourtl! row.' TlI OIlIPSO)! . Miller . /tllle Beeson. Holroyd. Roby, Rowland. York , Robitlson , Faul kner. Fifth row; LemmOtl, Davis, Alkire, Grow, Chandler, Martill , Dean . DeHanas, Walker. Six th row: LockIJa r/ , Goree. Phillips, Hawk , Reely. Howe, Fl alligcw. AddisOtl. Back row: Staggs. Adams , McKam ey, Smith . Gary , Tubbs. Maxwell , Kisner . 3. In hono r of Heritag e and Pattie Cobb cafeterias, Dawn McKamey all d TOllY Da vis "IJam it tiP" wlletl sil !g· ing a medley of songs from le/evisiOII food COl li lIlercials. 4. A Cappella. FrOllt row: Williams , No/aud, Rie/lards, Buford, McLaiu. Meal/s, Rasl/ick. Allel!. Secoud row: Bo/ls, Folkert s, L Browu. Cottrell, Sisk . Gailley . T. SIIIIiIIS. R. SUI/ill S, SlItherlalld. Tllird row: B. Maupin , /. Pearce, Messick . Smith, Carr. Bailey . Girdley. Alexallder, Knapp , C. TI10 IllPSO II . Fow,tl! row: Berkley, Craft, Healy. Deall , Cox , Trevathan, Pigg, Davidson, lames, Campbell , SiIlIllIOI/S. Fiftl! row: S. Pearce, Maynard. Hel/kle, McKimlOlI. Powers. Stocktoll. Slater , R. Yat es, Baird, G. Maupill, Matlock, Walls. Sixtl, row: Pryor , T. Yates. /o/mso/l , R. While. Keetl!. Bradford. Dallas. Eubau ks, D. BrOWI/ , M. BroWII, Robisoll , Casey, T. TllOmpsolI. Back row: S/!eldoll, Geiger, McGee , Baldwiu . /. Wllite , Huffmall . Gist. Rogers, Rich , Eddings , Combs, Peacock. S, Harmonizing O tl aile of their fa vorite SOl1gS , Dirk Smith of the Time of Day e,!tertaiIl S tile fres hmantransfer la/ent SllOW audience. 6. Belles & Beaux. Front row: Di/l, McKam ey, Robison , Tay/or, Bailey. Marti ,L Back row: Pearce , Hea/y, Lockhart , Dallas. Manning , Forsy the . Davis. Howe. Music groups 227