_ Leslie Dow'ls The group also sponsored a seminar in February, featur ing leading women in the Searcy area as speakers. - wes HollulId " Seven local women sponsored the organi zation , and as leaders they sought oppo rtunities for the group to serve. As Paul instructed the young preacher Timothy, so was the Bible faculty given opportunity to give special instruction to the young student preachers. The Bible department's Timothy Club gathered several times each semester to encourage student / professor interaction and learning . Primarily for people interested in biblically related fields of study , the group of 140 was open to anyone interested in becoming a part of it. Sponsors Tom Eddins and James Walters o rganized the club's activities and invited spec ial guests to speak for club meetings. Joe Beam , Gary Beauchamp , and George Gurganus were among the preachers who visited the group in 1983-84. Of the interaction , Wa lters said, 'The younger preachers can learn va luable lessons from the older as they share their experiences . I:Big Brothers. Front row: McClung, Lloyd, Jacob Harr, /aSD'1 Ha rr, Jordan Harr, Clutter, Stephen Curd. Back row: Davis. Scott Curd, Stoehje, Flalli - gall, NicllOJS. / O /IIISOII, V{mPooJ. Kyllo. Kee, Bou - stead-sponso r. 2. Conquerors. FrOllt row: Pel/dergraft. Slater. West joh n , Comfort. Back row: Swai/ I. lito, Ward . Gist. 3. Big Brother, Floyd Val/Poo/. spends time helpit!g his little brother. /ordat! Ha rr . prepa re for Searcy 's Ullder 10 Soccer League actiot!. 4. JOY. Coble . Kosko. 5. Timot hy Club. Frollt row: Yates, D, Ward. Hogan-spo/lsor, White . Harpe.. Grahll , Edwards. Wirldsor-Cummings. Berry, D. Owens. ftu ell . /011115011. Secolld row: J. Ward , T. Taylor, Sites , Greellhaw. BrowlI. FUe/IS , McFadden, G. Rush. Tllird row: Miller ,Westall , Maach , Ballard, Fa ir, Leollard, McGaughey , Jeff Taylor, Aclleaw. Fourth row: McLeod. Dismu kes. Foster. Vi ck. Baio. Joe Tay lor. Childs. Eddins-sponso r. Fifth row: Withem . Dickersoll. Tate. C. Owells. McKinneySpO /lsor, Helbig. Sixth row: Kisller . Marellallt . Harmel, May , Lawson, Carter . McGuire , Ash lock, Niland. Back row; Walters , Strotller, Hays-sponsor, Fraley , Ma/olle-spo llsor , GO/SOli , Couch, M. Rush , Daniel. Special interest groups 221