Big Brothers Conquerors JOY Timothy Club Organized through the College church of Ch rist, Big Brothers we re male studen ts who "adopted" little brothers during the year. Each big brother spent at least one afternoon a week with his little buddy doing whatever he and the boy chose to do. As a group, the big and little buddies ventured out together sometimes for camping out, playing garnes, or anything else their creative minds cou ld think of to do. In many cases the li tt le boy was fatherless, and the importance of the hig buddy as a role model was increased significan tly . One member said that the greatest thing he learned as a hig buddy was the art of patience . Overseen by College church elders Jerome Barnes, Jimmy Carr, and Kenneth Davis, Jr., the program grew to more than 50 members in 1983-84. Sponsors included Jack Boustead, Ted Lloyd , and Ed Wi lson. Through skits, puppets, discussions , games , and songs , Harding's Conquerors ministered to young people in the South. Conquerors originated with a few members of Knights social club who decided to organi ze youth rallies in nearby states. As the group grew, its membership included people outside the Knights, and the name "Conquerors" was adopted. Often it was said that the Conquerors' greatest asset was their youth. Presenting the gospel as young people , they avoided the problem of a generation gap and were able to talk with the teenagers they worked with on a oneto-one basis. Sponsor Eddie Campbell maintained that Conquerors show the brotherhood that young people can mini ster well to each other. Member Eddie Rogers said , "Being in Conquerors has helped me to learn to communicate with teenagers and has shown me that young people are looking for a good role model to follow." Through Conque rors, they could find one. 220 Specia l interest groups Spiritual . Groups Strengthen Others Through Work "The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve . . .," according to Matthew 20:28, the sc ripture that serves as the basis for JOY, the women's service organization at Harding. JOY, an acronym for Jesus first , Others second and Yourse lf last, provided programs for Christian sister's aid, devotionals, and elderly , fe llowship, little sisters and welfare under the direction of chairman Robin Kosko. . Planning and participating in activities fo r the young and old , members of JOY visited local nursing homes and adopted grandparen ts in the community. As big sisters for younger, less-advantaged gi rl s, the women shared their lives with children and continually acted as role models. - John J. Radcliffe - lohll I. Radcliffe - Johll I. Radcliffe