the year after we left , we kept in touch with the members of the congregations we worked with , and they would let us know when one of the people that we had studied with was baptized or brought someone else to Ch rist. It also encourages them to know that students at Harding are praying for and thinking of them." Besides helping the local congregations and teaching others about Christ, the campaigners fou nd that their faith was strengthened during this time. The time spent preparing for the work and the study involved increased their knowledge of the Scriptures of the Church. As they traveled, they grew closer and encouraged each o ther. Cathy Koelling, a junior who went to Dermott , Arkansas, said , "Going on the campaign reall y made me realize how lucky I am to be going to Harding. I saw the need the Church has for strong members and wo rkers, and I feel I am better prepared to work with a congregation when I get out of Harding. " Li5a Ca5to 1. Student leader Pete Teasley explains to interested stude,as what is involved in being a part of tile spring break campaign to Iowa. 2. During their spare time , Gary Hill and Olivia Eddins , daughter of campaign director Tom EddillS , find themselves exposed to a little Australian culture at a local zoo. 3. To promote interest in their cause , Australian campaigners Si'lg for passersby ill a Sydney outdoor mall. 4. Campaigners gather in the Bible building for aile of many meetings held tllroughouf tile year to prepare them for the Lord's work. till I.J Lisa Casto 4 - Wl'5 HoI/and Campaigns 219