1983-1984 Yearbook

Campaigners Find Their Own Faith Strengthened While Teaching Others About Christ Campaigns Each yea r, groups from Harding spend parts of their weekends, spring breaks , and summers telling the world about Christ and preaching the Gospel. Throughout the year, these campaign groups met once a week to discuss plans , learn songs, st udy the Bible, and to hear missionaries tell about their experiences in the field and to give advice to the young campaigners. Some of the foreign campaign groups went to England, Sco tland , France , Belgium, Switzerland, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Italy , and Canada. Students and faculty with several years of experience speaki ng a foreign language were especially needed to smooth the communication barrier in the foreign-language speaking countries which were visited. Many students wishing to be a part of a campaign gro up raised their own funds during the year. Without the support which his home congregation provided, freshman Kirk Bradford believes that he "would not have been able to afford the expense involved in going on campaigns. " The campaigns were often rigorous and the work was hard. The workers knocked doors, passed out literature, sang hymns in public, conducted Bibl e classes, and worked with the local congregations in whatever capacity they were needed . Lori Seal , who went on French Campaigns, said , "While we were in Belgium, we worked long hard days in bad weather, but it was there that the group grew closer to each other and we really felt that we were doing the Lord 's wo rk. " In the United States, groups went to the Northeast, the Northwest , Minnesota, Iowa, and many other sta tes . The members of the groups stayed with local congregation 's fami lies and worked closely with the church . Todd Wi lson said , "When we got there , we got in a car with a family we didn' t know and who didn ' t know us. They put us in their beds, fed us, and treated us wi th so much love ~ that common bond was never more evident to me than when I saw it at work during campaigns." Sometimes the most fruitful results of the campa igns were evident after the campaign team left the location. Lisa Casto, a junior who went on Australian campaigns, said, "During 218 Campaigns - Wes HoI/lind