again made it s Toy and Doll y Dri ve a part of the Ha rding Christmas. The association asked clubs and student s to purchase toys for many of the nation 's o rphanages . They also continued their long-standing tradition of decora ting the lawn for Christmas. Late one night after curfew, and continuing until early morning, they scurried around campus, leaving mistletoe and candy stripes on the swings, hanging deco rations in the trees and stringing garlands through the Harding arches. A major pro ject of the S.A. was the compilation of the student direc tories. Working wi th the public relati ons office, the association - John /. &ddiffe gathered the name, classifica tion , address and phone number of each student and compil ed them int o a di rectory for the students . The elec ted o fficers of the associa tion in - cluded Beat y, president ; Byron Carlock, vice president; Mike Stewart , treasurer; and Michele Ellis, sec retary . The chairmen and their committees were the following: Kim Barker, food services; Mike Brown , academic affairs; Kell y Van Patter and Bethany Bessent, advertising; Suzanne Hintze and Shannon Walker, Homecoming; David Long, physical plant; Charles Dupre , special projects; and Bobby Goost ree , elections: ~ - 101m !<arlc"1fe _ Leslie Downs 1. S.A. President Kyle Beaty adds a little Christmas spirit to tIre Studerlf Center wire" Ire surrounds the newly itlStalled BrUller Broadcasting System box with decoratiolls. 2. S.A. Class Representatives. Front row: Dykes. McDonough. Baxter , Hill. Rowlewd. Back row: Moore, Smelser, Madden. Memrs . 3. Ultimate nerds Byron Carlock and Kelly Vall Patter introduce the next contestant il7 the S.A. -s ponso red Nerd COlltest, 4. S.A. Executive Officers. Beaty . Stewart. Ellis. Carlock . 5. S.A. Committee Chairmen. FrOllt row: Vall Patter. Hintze . Barker , Felps. Back row: Foster. LOl1g . McLaughlin. Brou:n . 6. A generous scoop of icing tops lane Webb 's cookie , as sir e ell joys herself at a party sporlSored by the Student A ssociation. Student Association 217