1983-1984 Yearbook

Student Association The Student Association began the year with the specific purpose of trying to promote a positive atmosphere. From the very first week of schooL when the S.A . furnished free soft drinks during orientation and planned a watermelon party, a pep rally, and an opening concert, they worked to keep that posi tive outlook. "While serving as a liaison between students and the administration," said S.A. President, Kyle Beaty, "we try to promote a positive atmosphere on campus while sincerely rep resenting the students' concerns ." . Beaty said that one area where the association felt they could promote a positive attitude and at the same time alleviate some complaints among the students' was the curfew rule. "Actually getting something done for the students in terms of policy - that was one of our goals when we came in," said Beaty . Since the curfews for men and women were different on weekdays, yet the same on weekends when students had dates, the S .A. agreed with many students that there was "no real consistent justification" for the difference between the two. Beaty added that he thought "changing the curfew would take away a huge stumbling block to a positive atmosphere on campus." He considered the change in curfew policy one of the most significant achievements of his term. When the curfew was changed in the' fall _ W I'S Holland 216 Student Association Change in Curfew Policy Highlights Beaty's Term as S.A. President semester, it was the first time in the history of the University that there had been a uniform weeknight curfew for men and women. The curfew was changed from 10:30 to 11:00 . The S.A. also sponsored concerts and programs for the student body. Some of the concerts included Air Supply, the Wright Brothers and hypnotist Gil Eagles. The Spiritual Life Committee, chaired by Don McLaughlin, planned devotionals and special seminars. Gary Martin of Falls Church, VA, spoke the first week of school on the theme, "Ignite a Spiritual Spark." During the fall semester James Walters, of the University faculty, spoke at a seminar entitled, "Beyond Taste Not, Touch Not, Handle Not," an examination of motivation in the Christian lifestyle . As one of their service projects, the S.A. - Ltislie Downs - Tolm 1. Radcliffe