lines they would find themselves "putt ting the pieces together." Along wi th a new editor in the fa ll , the Bison took on a new look. Editor-in-chief Cynthia Wills made the change from a five-column layout to a fourcolumn layout. She also changed the nameplate to a bolder, more magazine-style type , which was more popul ar with current newspapers. Wills also changed the headline type, printed larger pho tos, a~d made the edit~~ia l page and the commentary page opposite it three columns wide to set them off from the rest of the news. Wills continued with some of the same ideas - }olm 1. Radcliffe of previous Bison edit ors including the Christians in the World column , Forum , Digest and the use of cen terspreads. In the spring semester, the Bison underwent another change. Michael Corrigan , a regular columnist for the Bison, and Etta Madden , assistant editor of the fall Bison, both took over as co-edi tors-in-chief replacing Will s, who graduated in December. "We both considered the editorship and the tremendous job and responsibili ty it is," said Co rrigan. "Nter much thought and discussion with Cynthi a and ou r adviser, Dr. Organ, Etta and I felt we could be most effective with the combination of our talen ts." "We bot h had some newspaper experience; mine was mainly in writing and editing work and Michael's was mainly in writing and layout ," sa id Madden. Together the two worked to maintain the quality and efficiency that Wills had set up in the fall . Dr. Denni s Organ, associate professor of English , served as adviser to the Bison staff. He met weekly with the editors to critique the previous week's edition and to discuss improvements for the paper. Organ also suggested news or feature story ideas although the editors of the Bison exert the most control over the content of each issue. Business manager Kelly Clark supported the Bison effort by selling ads and taking care of the paper's finances. Advising her was David Johnson, assistant professor of accounting. Johnson took over for David Tucker while Tucker was on leave of absence. Yo Kurabayashi was the photo editor and suppli ed the Bison with many of their news and feature pictures. Liz Herrel, Eddie Madden and Brent A1exander headed up the news, feat ures, and sports sections for the paper, respectively. Regul ar columnists and their co lumns were Corrigan 's "Interchanges, " Eddie Madden 's "Offbeat, II Kevin Fuch's "Christians in the World ," with Kimberl y Capps and Kim Vinson doing a mov ie review col umn . Many other reporters contributed during the week getting interviews, writing stories, editing and proofreading to make the Bison come together on Fridays when it was circulated to the students. lij 1. Bison quarterback MQlmy Lowry takes advantage of a swmy Friday afternoon to read over the sports column of the weekly Bison. 2. Bison staff. Frollt row: Eckerberg, Lander/elt. Wh eeler, Herrel, Virt - 5011. SecOlld row: Cox, Rackley, Wills. Eddie Madden, Etta Madden , Capps , Ford. Third row: Patt er5011 , Phelps. Back row: Atchley . Corrigan . 3. Adviser Dr, Joe Pryor dis cusses a layout problem with Petit Jean edi tor Suzatme Johnston and Honors editor Michael Corrigml. 4. An aerial view 0/ th e Petit Jean office sllOws evidence of an upcoming deadline . 5. Petit Jean staff . FrOllt row: Radcliffe. S. Johnstolt . Wall. Secmld row: Collins. Kelly. Pryoradviser, Holland. Dowl1s . TlII'rd row: Hinrich s. Greenhaw, Underwood. Conrad. Fourth row: LaLonde, Hawkins. Taschner. Rhinehart , Becklof/, Ozbirn. Fifth row: Turner , Boyd, D. Johnstol1 , Smith, Bible, Campbell , Thompson. Back row; BeltItey, Corrigall , Roseberry. HardiSOIT Bison staff 213 /,