Publications Continue Work Toward Excellence Petit Jean Staff Bison Staff The days were absolutely too short and the work was absolutely endless . Bu t more important than the late nights and merciless weekends which went into the 1984 Petit Jean were the smi les, laughter, and friend ships wh ich grew through the book and its staff. The staff set as its goa l an accurate representation of the activ iti es and events that occured in the ]984 school yea r. Secondly, they wanted to develop a theme that wou ld be unique to 1984. The theme of the book , "putting the pieces togethe r," and the cover design of H's pieced together as a puzzle was created by John Radcliffe, head photographer of the 1984 book. This theme best expressed the culmination of all the milestones and highl ights for Harding and those invo lved with the universi - ty. The puzzle design was carried through the book on each div ision page , to show that each section was a pi ece; through the index , to show each person as a piece; and with sma ll HU's at the end of each arficle to show how that story was a piece of the year. The cover design was completed with the soft Grand Canyon leathertone to express the mood of the theme and was topped off by Craftline emboss ing to make each "H" seem like an individual insertion. The staff was composed of five main photographers lead by John Radcliffe : Chris Oei and Wes Holland , photographer editors; Leslie Downs and Greg Ozbirn. These five young men shared the work load of suppl ying photographs for the 384 page edition. Volume 60 of the Petit Jean was produced by 10 capable sec tion ed itors . Life, edited by Michael Kelly, presented the major events as well as the daily routines of the Harding student. Sports, edited by David Wall, who was also assistant editor of the book, was highlighted by two women's intercollegiate sports. Scholars, edited by Jonna Conrad, upda ted the - Leslie Lk>wns 212 Petit Jean staff changes among the administrati on. Scott ie Colli ns edited the students section and spiced up the picture panels with interesting features and pho tography. The Hono r's divis ion was edited by Michael Corrigan and presented the special achievements of Harding student s. Organizations, edited by Nancy Thompson, listed the academic, business, and specia l groups with their activities and honors . Social Clubs, edi ted by Karen Roseberry, presented the new induct ion month and the clubs revita lization. Mariann Cox served as copy edi tor fo r the book and supplied stories for the students section and organ ization staff . The index was edited by Alan Greenhaw, who added the page numbers to thei r rightful positions as the 1984 publication of the Petit Jean was in process. The question has otten been asked, "Is there li fe after the Petit Jean?" Well, they we re sure there was, but to live without yearbook dead- - lohn /. Radcliff'