- }o ;m 1 Rudc!iffl' 1. Queen Val1essa Brow". 2. Vanessa attended by Terry Heffington and Karen Slater. 3. "How cat' pledge week last an entire month?" wonders Vanessa at the Open House for women 's clubs on the front lawn. 4. Attendant Terry Heffing/ ot!. 5. Attendant Karen Slater. I I Petit Jean's Queen Vanessa Has it All V Together The staff was putting the show together, the theme was "putting the pieces toge ther, " the stage crew was putting the backdrop together and the queen candidates were trying to keep it all together. At the chapel dedication during the last week of classes before exams in May, Vanessa Brown of Hialeah , Fla., was crowned Petit Jean Queen. Vanessa was a senior dietetics major and a member of Ju Go Ju socia l club. She was nominated for Petit Jean Queen by Titans social club, of which she was queen. She was attended at the dedication by two seniors who were both special and elementary education majors. Terry Heffington of Conway was nominated by Knights social cl ub . Karen Slater of Royal Oak, Mich., was nominated by TNT socia l club. Terry was a member of OEGE social club while Karen was a member of Shantih social club. Representatives from most of the men's social clubs were presented in chapel on Oc tober 3 and , after balloting, these three were voted to the Petit Jean court. A second vote by the entire student body elected Vanessa to the queen's position. Vanessa hoped to use her dietetics major to work in an institution after graduation, probably in a hospital a t first. There were problems associated with living so far from Harding , particularly in making arrangements to get back and forth for ho lidays. Perhaps one of Vanessa 's more vivid memories of college days will be traveling to southern Florida with five people in a pick-up truck. At all times, three people had to ride in the flat bed of the truck. Vanessa was also nominated by her own club to serve on the court of the May Fete queen . ~ Petit Jean Queen 209 GB.HU-MC