1983-1984 Yearbook

Jeff Johnson of Jefferson City, MO., majored in speech education and also participated in dramatic productions and in the Chora le. He believes that his invo lvement in the latter t"wo gave him "a love and direction for my life. " He s tates that the memories of Harding can never be taken away. "How can I have ,anything but fond memories of a place where I received a lasting treasure - my wife Susan," Johnson sald. Floridian Mel Sansom was a member of Galaxy socia l club, which he termed his family away from home. Home was Pensacola, but at Harding home was the School of Business where Sansom majored in accounting and was on the Economics Team and member of Pi Gamma Psi. When asked if he would like to see any changes at Harding, Sansom replied, "I would like to see the football and basketball programs turned into winning programs. " "I believe my memories, experiences and friendsh ip are more special because I spent my college years at Harding University ," said business management major Ellen Reid. A member of Zeta Rho socia l club and the Economics Team, Reid, who was from Sugar Land, Texas, also served as the national president of Phi Beta Lambda. She thinks her work with this organization gave her "the opportuniti es to express my talents." "/ will always cherish the 'bits and pieces of all those who have touched my life," -Jay Savage 192 Who's Who - John J. RadC/iff~ Jeff Johnson , Mel Sansom and Ellen Reid stand behind Kelli Rowland in the horne or Dr. and Mrs . Dav id Burks. Marketing major Kelli Rowland was from Rhome , T.exas. She partiCipated in the International Campaigns and served as queen for King's Men social club. She appreCiated the relationships she had with the faculty here, citing their willingness to talk with a student "or just be a friend. " She believes that the American Studies program has broadened her through the trips she took and through the speakers who have come to campus. NOT PICTURED Jay Savage of Emory, Texas, majored in marketing and was a member of TNT social club. He served as beau for Chi Lambda Chi, whom he said "became the sweetest sisters a guy could ever have ." Regarding his time at Harding, Savage said, "I will always cherish the 'bits and pieces' of all those who have touched my life. Harding has made the difference in my spiritual outlook on life and helped prepare me for a world in need of Christ. "