1983-1984 Yearbook

Tim Thrasher , an accounting major from Tulsa , Okla. , en joyed his membership in TNT social club as it gave him "the opportunity to be associated with many individuals with li ke interests and goals." Thrasher was also a member of the accounting club, Pi Gamma Psi and Delta Mu Delta. Replying on the way Harding had helped him grow spiritually, Thrasher commented , "Harding has made me realize the importance of prayer and daily Bible study." Tim Thrash er, Sherry Alkire . Tammy Graham and Byron Carlock in tile home of Dr. mId Mrs . Den- /lis Organ. Sherry Alkire of Edmond , O kl a. , was often seen performing with the Chorale with whom she enjoyed a "close family of love and acceptance." "The Lord has led me from trial to trial and made me not only a survivor but a victor ," Alkire said. Exemplyfing this was her involvement in Campus Players and the Regina social club. "Harding has helped me know the joy of Christian fellowsh ip. I have friend s, students and teachers, who will be my friends forever ," commended Tammy Graham of Walnut Ridge. This English major was a member of Sigma Tau Delta , the English hono r society, Spanish Club , and the Chi Alpha Rho social club . Byron Ca rl ock Jr. was an accounting major from Blytheville. He was a member of the TNT social club and active in Internationa l Campaigns in the summer of 1983. "Sharing Christ abroad provided phenomena l spiritual gr owt h ," Carlock said . Carlock received a Rotary foundation scholarship which allowed him to continue his studies overseas afer he graduated from Harding. ~ Who's Who Who's Who 189