1983-1984 Yearbook

• Much emphasis is placed on the family aspect of the Harding community. From the time students first came to school as timid freshmen or unsure transfer students, they were impressed by the close relationship shared by the students and faculty. Some of those new students used the closeness to develop into campus leaders by following the example set for them by older students and the faculty members. These students have earned a place in the Honors section of this book. Who's Who students were nominated by faculty members or by the Student Association. Those nominees with at least a 2.5 GPA were then listed on a ballot that contained over 240 names. Each faculty member could then select those on the ballot that he or she considered to be significant contributors to the University. After the voting by the faculty , 43 students had been nominated by the University to membership in Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. To visually signify the student / faculty relationship at Harding, the Who's Who pictures were taken in faculty homes. For the first time, the Regina Spirit Award winner is pictured in the Honors section. This award is special and significant because it is voted on by the senior class and names one of the seniors as the one most exemplifying the spirit of Harding. Alpha Chi national honorary society recognizes academic achievement by students. Membership is by invitation and is extended to those students who carry a GPA of 3.5 on 104 semester hours or a GPA of 3.75 on 80 semester hours, provided they have earned at least 24 hours of credit at Harding . There is a queen for each of the seasons during the academic year and one for the dedication of the yearbook. The Homecoming queen in the fall is followed by the Winter Festival queen in February and the May Fete queen in the spring. The Petit Jean queen is crowned during the dedication at the end of the school year. The students pictured in this section earned their places here by making significant contributions, in one form or another, to ·the University. They took the time or took advantage of opportunities to be the ones putting the pieces together. Even after they graduate , their memories of Harding will be so much richer because of that. - Michael Corriga,r Honors Editor Inside Honors Who's Who Regina Spirit Award Alpha Chi Homecoming Queen Winter Festival Queen May Fete Queen Petit Jean Queen 186 196 198 202 204 206 208