1983-1984 Yearbook

This year, as in every year, students had many struggles. For some students, keeping up their CPA was a major task. Finding the time or the discipline to study was not an easy thing. Also , in a small way, chapel proved to be a stumbling block. Attendance became tough when chapel proceedings seemed to be routine or mundane. More importantly though , a few had to deal with the loss of a loved one. There was a certain emptiness that was keenly felt whether the loved one was one of the fami ly or a close friend. On top of all these things, the ever-present wings of weariness hovered, threatening despair and apathy as they dipped closer and closer between vacations. However , in this battle there was always a place of escape for the students to find in themselves, if not the answers , a calm acceptance of the situation. Pressure weary University personnel found many different things and places of re trea t . Hunting and fishing captivated many hearts. The hunters shed their burdens and restrictions as they felt the intense competition between themselves and their prey. But the fishermen sought the lazy, shady creek barely rippling along its own winding course. Others found a secret wood land path in the handiwork of Cod and felt the spidery network in the leaves of each tree they passed. But of all the escapes and retreats of the students , the serene rocky heights of nearby hills enthralled them most of all . Not only granting an awesome view of the land, but it encouraged the students to have a perspective view of themselves in God 's world. - /0/'" /. Radcliffe 16 Peaceful Moments Once "there" students found an inner peace that helped assuage their weary souls. There was an almos t overwhelming sense o f calmness which hardly could be felt in the dorm room. It was a chance to loosen up tightly strung muscles and find a brief respite from the confusion of classes . Being in harmony with God helped the students reach a plateau where their mental and physical properties met in mutual understanding . Th rough this mental tranquilit y the pressures of classes and peers were momentarily put aside to behold the quiet strength in God 's silence. Living in a world of people who don't focus on the small things in life , such as a complex spider web or the soft fa ll of snow, students found themse lves too many times caugh t up in the rush of things. . They looked at the whole tree , instead of noticing each leaf. By having these peaceful moments students did regain their old "eye for beauty." They saw that leaf and its intricate threads and praised the Creator for it. - Michael Kelly _ Greg Ozbirn .,