1983-1984 Yearbook

Seniors Richard Osborn~ Supplee - Minneapolis, MN. English . College Bowl team: Dean'S Lis!; Sigma Tau Delta. pres,; Timothy Club; Alpha Chi . Jeffrey W.. yne Sutherhond - Plano. TX. Biology. Chi Sigma Alpha : Band. cOncert , marching. Pf'P. stage ; Orchestra; Pre-Dental Club. Thomas Raymond Sutton · Burns Flat, OK. Management. David Forbes Swanton · New Albany, IN. Accounting. Transfer from University of West Florida . American Studies; College Republicans; Dean 's List; Pi Gamma Psi Anno! Ellz..abeth T;tylor - Little Rock , AR. Spe«h Therapy and jourl\;llism. Alpha Chi . Deborah K. Taylor - Bartlesville. OK. Special and Elementary Education. Regina, pres ., v. pres. ; A Cappella, Women's En~mble ; Belles and Beau;>;; Campaigns, Interna tional; Chorale; Dean's list; Chi Sigma Alpha queen. 'oMph Kelsey Taylor - Olney, Ilo Bible and Journalism. Transfer from Olney Central College. King 's Men, sec. , v. pres.; Alph~ Chi; Bi son staff , reporter; Dean 's List; Intramurals; Timo thy Club, . Rebe-cca Fay Taylor · Olney, lL. Social Work. Translu from Olney Central College. OEGE; Alpha Delta Mu; lOY; National Association of Ch ristians in Social Work. Steven Ray Tefertillu • GaiMSville . Ft. Computer Information Systt'Tl1s. Sub T-16; Art Guild; Data Proce$Sing Management Association; French Club. Alb"'! Austin Tennison - Tex.ukana . AR. Chemistry . King's Mm; College Bowl team. Jeffrey Guy TennY!lOn - Valley Spri ngs, AR. Accounting. TNT, pres.; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Big Brothe~; Campaigns. Spring Bre~k; Phi Delta beau; College Republicans: Dean's List; Delta Mu Delta, $fe.; Economics te~m, co-chairman ; Intramurals; Pi Gamma Psi; Outstanding Young Men of American; Business team ; Who's Who , David Neil Thompson - Marion , lL. Accounting. Beta Phi Kappa . pres ., trus.; College Bowl team; ~an 's Ust : Delta Mu Delta; P, Gamma Psi, Dennis Kei th Thompson · Carrollton. TX. Biochemistry. Translerfrom S,M.U. in Dallas . Theta Alpha Tau, pres .; Alpha Chi ; Dean's List. ~h.~r:a~t,~ TI'5~~e:rt~ .~~~~e;, J:.~~;o&~t~~~~rc~t~~n Systt'Tl1s. Alpha Kimberly Ann Thompson · Harrison, A~. Social Work . Transfer from Arkan- ~~5~~~~~~~lYA~~~~;i~fC:r~5iti~~ : i;S:;:lg~~r~apE~~I~~~,epubliNancy Ann Thompson - Daingerfield, TX. Marketing . GATA; American Studi1'5; De'In'S List; JOY; Petit Jean staff, section editor; Society for the Advancement of Management. Timothy Alan Thrasher · Tulsa, OK. Accounting. TNT, treas .; American Studi1'5; Big Brothers; College Republicans; Dean's List; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi ; SA Athlet ic Committee; Football , manager . trainer: Who's Who. Mary Linda Thurmond - Byhalia , MS. Business Systt'Tl15 Analysis . Omega Phi. treas. ; Alpha Chi ; American Studies ; Dean's List ; Delta Mu Delta: JOY; May Queen Attendant ; Phi Beta Lambda. Jolene Marie Todd - Prairie Grove, AR. Office Administration , lu Go lu. sec,; American Studies Pamela Gaye Torrey - Sarasota, Flo Ka Re Ta, sec ,; American Studies; Cheerleader; Titan's qUef'n; Dean's list ; Pi Gamma Psi; Society for the Advancement of Man~gemen t. Brian Adair Traughber - Ancho rage , AK. Marhting. Alpha Tau Epsi lon. Rachel Biubeth Travis · West Covina. CA. Elementa ry Education . Jeff A, TreusdeU- Muir, MI. Art. Alpha Tau Epsilon; Art Guild; Kappa Pi; SA Library Committ~, chairman; SA Academic Affai rs Committ~. JamH Bradley Tribble - Stockton, CA. Computer InFormation Systems, Kuen Baine Tucker · Dallas, TX. Management. Frank Muedith Turner · Marianna, AR. Advertising. Sub T-16. GATA beau. Patricia Ann Turner - $ea rcy, AR . Computer InFormation Systems, Transfer from York College . American Studies; Dean 's List. Tina Lisa Turner · Verd Beach. FL. Management. lu Go lu: American Studies; Dean's List ; Delta Mu Delta; Intramurals ; JOY; Society for the Advancement of Management; University Singe rs; Campus Ministry , Marcus Lane Vaden - Garland, TX, Psychology. Galaxy, pres .; Big Brothers; Freshman Class pres.; Ka Re Ta beau; Intramurals, Ali -Star ; SA Spi ritual Life Committef'; Timothy Club . 152 Sen iors ~ John " RRddjffr