1983-1984 Yearbook

Seniors ~~~1~~S~~:::=iIo;i~~dison . IN. Nursing. Chi lambda Chi ; Harding Robert W.lyne ~_y . Pihville. KY. Man~ment. Transf"r from Prntonsbu~g C?m~umIY College: Band, Concert; College R"public..ru ; Harding University In Aorenct; Society for the Advan«mf'nl of Management Robyn IGmberly RaMOm - Coshocton, OH. Vocationa l Home Ec~nom ics. Rfosma , 5«.; ArkalUils Home EconomiC$ hsociiltion. pre." ~IIH and 8eiluxChoTale ; Dran 's Ust; Dietetics; Drilmatics; JOY; SA Food Services. chainnan : Student Nati ona l Education Associ~ti~m; Smior Rrpr~tillive Homecomin8 C?U~I; May ~Ie queen; Campu~ Ministry team; Voiuntffrs in Service of AdmiSSions; Who's Who; Regina Spirit Award. ~Or8t ~imm~ Rawli.n' + Clarksville , TN. Economics. Theta Tau De lta : Amer- .can Studies ; Sigma S,sma SIgma Delta beilu; Dean 's list ; Intramurals : Society for the Adv~ncement of M~n~gement. Willl~m E. Re.. dy - Blountville. TN. Chemistry. Omega Phi beau ; Dean's Us!' Intr~mur~l s; SA Academic Aff~is Committee. "In the foothills of the Ozarks, ' near to Petit Jean What is in a Name? Those words sound almost familiar , since they are a lmost the wo rds to Harding's alma mater. Actua ll y, they are the original words writen when the school was located in Morrilton. From the campus in Morrilton , now the site of Southern Christian Home , the most prominent feature of the landscape was Petit Jean Mount ain. It dominated the landscape there and lent its name to the first yearbook published by Harding. The Petit Jean still owes its name to a mountain that is now miles from the Searcy campus. How the mountain got its name is another story. There are several legends concern ing the mountain. In a book let entit led "A Place Called Petit Jean ," Dr. W.T. Hardison relates some o f them. The most prevalent concerns a "Yentl " -l ike story. A French nobleman named Chave t wanted to explore the New World , and especia ll y the Louisiana Territo ry. He refused to take his fiancee along because of the dangers, but she disquised herself as a cabin boy and sailed with him. She ca ll - ed ·herself "Jean, " the French word for "John ," and the sai lers called her "Pe tit Jean" because of her small (for a man)) size. Arriving in the territory aft er a journey across the ocean, Gul f of Mexico and Mississippi and Arkansas River , the crew of the ship were recieved warmly by the Indians who lived there . The crew spent several months on the Darlent CaillU~v" - ~ills?oro, MO. Elementary Education . Chi Alpha Rho. pres .; A1ph~ Chi; Dean s List; lntr..murals, All-Star ; Volleyball ; Kloppa Delt~ Pi . sec .; Resident Assistant; Who's Who. Cynthi.. Jilne Redmiln - Rockport. TX. Social Work . john Drennen Reece · Ext on, PA. Accounting. Titans ; Track, A11 -Americ~n ; Pi G..mma Psi. Kristel Dawn Reed - Broken Arrow, OK. Elementary Education. atta Tau C:amma ; Alpha Chi; C~r:':r.aigns , Ut~h; Koinonia queen; Conquerors; Dean 's List ; Kappa Delta P,; Resl ent AsSistant; Student National Education Associ.. • non. l!H G. .Reed : Russellville. AR. Music Education ~nd Physical Education. Sigma Sigma SIgm ~ ~ha; Ban.d, Concert. Marching, Pep, Stage; Dean 's list; Intramurals , AIl ·Star, Jacket Winner, Athlete of the Ye~r; Kappa Delta Pi; Or· chestra . TtrtH Arlene Reeh· Shreveport , LA Physical Educ~tion. Ka Re Ta; lntramur· OIls , All -Star ; Sof tball ; Cross Country; PEMM Club. Robert H. Reely , Se~rcy, AR. Music Education. Chi Sigma Alph~ ; Alph~ Chi ; Band, !reas., Concert, M~rching . Pep, Stage; Campaigns. May; Chamber Singers; Chor~le , v. pres. ; De~n 's list; Kappa Delta Pi; Troubadors ; E.B. &agget! Memoria l Scholarship; Who's Who. ~rrek Bta.ir Rene - New Orleans . lAo Soci..1 Work. Transfer from Truett McConnell ; Big Brothers; Camp",igns. Spring Break; Hot Une staff ; Nation~l As5ociation of Chri,tians in Social Work, treas .; N~tional As.sociation of Social Workers. Tonit .. lantt!t Rqier - ~ork . NE. Vocational Home Economics . Transfer from Yor.k College. Alph~ C~I ; Arkansas Home Economics Association; Campaigns. Spnng Break; Dean 5 Ust ; JOY; Student N.. tional Education Association. M. Ellen Reid · Sugar Land, TX . Management. Zet~ Rho ; American Studies' College Republ icans; Economics team; Harding University in Florence; Phi 8et~ lambda, pm.; Sta te public Relations Dirrctor, National President ; Society for the Advancement of Management ; SA junior CI",ss Representative ' Who's Who; Thet~ T~u quet'n . ' Pam Jnn Reinhart . S~cramento, CA. Art. Kappa Phi ; Art Guild . Ta~i~ . Rhineh..rt - Silver Spring, MD. Advertising. Transfer from Oklahoma Christian College . G~ta; Petit jnn staff; Public Rel.. tions Student Society of America; TV12 , co-director. Janell e Ma!Je Rh~es . Raytown, MO, Spedal and Elementary Education. ~tga PhI; Dean s l ist; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi; Resident Assist~nt; University Singers. ~bbi Dee Richards · Pottstown, PA. French and Music. Regin~, treas.; A Cappella ;, Ba.nd. sec., Concert. Marching, Pep. Stage; Commonwe~lth Singers; De~n s list ; French Club, sec.; Kappa Delta Pi; Orchestra; Bell Canto. Steven Earle Richards ~ Kenilworth , PA. Music Education . Sigm~ Tau Sigma; B~nd , Concert. Marching, Pep. Stage; Chorale; Dramatics; lntramurals ' Or· ches tra ; Outst~ nding Freshman S.. nd Award. ' 148 Sen iors mountain and then prepared to re- J ' turn to France . Among other things, Chavet wan ted to marry his fiancee since he was still unaware that she was wi th them and returned to the new count ry. Petit Jean became ill just before the trip. The ship's departure was postponed and in the course of Petit Jean 's illness , her true identi - ty was revealed . Having nothing more to hide, she asked only to be taken back up to the top o f the beautiful mountain to spend tha last hours of her life . She died that night at sundown and was buried on the mountain which she loved and to which she gave her name. If6 - Mi chael Corrigall Viewed from the sou/I! ballk of Ilu' Arkallsas Riv er , Pelit leall MOlmlm'1I is silllO lJetted by tire atlemooll SUi l ml a lJazy November day.