1983-1984 Yearbook

Dear Mom and Dad, Well here I sit in my dorm room again. I just realized its 70 more days till graduation, not that I'm counting. This semester in chapel I si t by a real cute girl but I don' t think her dipstick is quite touching her oiL I asked her the other day what she thought of Searcy since she was from a large city. She said "Searcy who7" While I'm on the subject of chapel, yes, the singing is still a little different. Yesterday we sang the first verse folllowed by the fourth verse with out the chorus and then we sang the first three measures of the second ve rse fo ll owed by the chorus sung two times. Dr. Ganus hasn't given his hi -annual speech yet on how much we are going to miss chapel when we leave here. I've decided that I'm going to miss chapel as much as possible now. Why wa it till later? I don't believe they have the same kind of grass that we have back home. They seem to think that watering the sidewalks next to it helps it grow, especiall y when its raining. Speaking of the rain , it has rained here for the past two weeks. I lost my umbrella the other morning. That same afternoon I though t I saw someone else wi th it. So I yelled , "Drop my umbrella! " Sixteen people dropped theirs. Last guys do finish last in the cafeteria line , The food is st ill pretty crummy. Of course, I don ' t think it was hard for the state health department to approve it considering the state mascot is a hog. Oh, by the way, could you send me some money for some new clothes. I ruined two more shirts yesterday in the dryer. It seems the only settings they have are well -done, charcoaled or burned. I think I finally figurd out why Hardings motto is "Educat ing for an Eternity," There is a guy in my club that has been here for seven years. Guess I better sign off for now. Love you both. Your Son The idea and so rn e of tile co ntent of the letter carne frorn a speech giverl by David Garver in chapel 011 February 9, 1981, Carla Oet Ph~l ps • West Covina. CA. Biology. Douglas Press Phillips - Memphis, TN. Comput~r Science. King's M~n; Dilta Proces.sing Managem~nt Association; Dean's list ; Intramurals; Soci~ty for the Advilnc~m~nl of Managtmtnl ; Starcy Stetl Socctr Club. Paul Micbo-I Pi~rCl! • Nashville , TN. Accounting. Transfer form David Upscomb Collegt . Knights, v. pres. ; Alpha Chi; American Studil"'>; Dean'~ Ust ; Delta Mu [klta; lntramural s; Pi Gamma P~i. Tyonia Lynn Pipkin - Cabot, AR. Marketing. Sigma Phi Mu , treas. ; Data Proces.sing Management Assocation; Dean's list ; Phi Beta Lambda.. Cathy Ann P~ - Longview. TX , Accounting. Transfer from Ki\xore Jr. College . American Studies; Dean 's Ust ; [klta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi. Debra Denise Po~ - Irving. TX, Speci al Education. Sigma Phi Mu; Dean's list; Kappa Delta Pi. Anita Ann Port er - Hopi", AR. Accounting. SIgma Phi Mu. treas ., v. pres .. pres. ; Dean's list ; Pi Gamma psi; Socie ty for the Advancement of Management. Gregory Scott Poston - Memphi s. TN. Businl"'>s Systems Analysis. T~rry Lynn Potier - Corunna , MI. Art. Transfer from Michigan Christian College. Regina : A Cappella; Art Guild; Campaigns. French: Harding University in Rorence . Robbi~ AlIison Powell - M~~hisfTN . Special Education. Chi lambda Chi; ~~~~ r5e~i~,~i.~s~; ~~~~t 'Nat~~~a\ldu~:~o~oZ~~~i~~orp5; Dilctylology Mich.a~1 H~nry POWUf ' Chester, VA. Bible and Psychology. Alpha Omega; Cenark Student Grotto; Dean's Usl ; Intramurals, All Star ; Psi Chi ; Timolhy Dub. Charies Gr~ Prahl - Lufkin , TX. Marktting. Keith Justi«: Prather - Tucker, GA. Management. Debra Ann Prall ' Quincy, IL. Elementary Education. Tofebt ; JOY. Sus;on Renaf Pre.tidge · Jonesboro, AR. Elementary Education. Phi [klta, sec.; Dean's list; Student National Education Associa t ion. Br~nda J. Pruitt - Judsonia. AR . Public Administration. Alpha Chi; Dean 's list: Pi Sigma Alpha. Alan N~al~ Pryor - Starcy. AR. Computer Science. Sub T-16: A Cappella: Campaigns, Spring Break, International; Dati Processing Management AS$OCiati on: Dean 's List; Harding University in Florence: ln tramurals. All Star: Crl)5S Coun try ; Who's Who . TrfVa Pryor· Starcy, AR . Elementary Education. Timothy james Pugh - Vienna. WV. Marketing. Transfer from Ohio Valley College. Theta Tau Delta: Intramural s; Society for the Advancement of Man· agement. Seniors 147