1983-1984 Yearbook

Harding life was, in effect, everything students loved and cherished. It was the very environment in which they p layed and studied. Life was what the students made it. Sometimes life was extremely unfair, unrelenting, and uncaring. Life was definitely not partial, whatever the next person thought. Having three mid-term exams on the same day was enough for any student to throw his arms up in exasperation and ask , "Why me?" even though it happened to more than himself. Yet there was always the certain gleam of hope that things would inevitably get better. And when it did, living seemed full and wholesome , with only a faint sour memory as a reminder of those unhappy pasHimes. Despite distractions, heavy burdens, and great accomplishments, life's core was, invariabl y, friendship. At registrat ion friends gree ted friends with wild cheers and passionate Harding hugs. It was a time for smiles, laugh ter. and the comforting release of tears because friends we re returned safe and sound . All sorts of activities and events strengthened these ties. Exciting sports. games, vigorous club activities , and One Act comedies helped bring alive the student and his feelings for others. National - politics provided a puzzling atmosphere and an intense outlook for the student's fu ture. But with God and friends the students were confident that the storm could be ridden out. All these things and more contributed to the studen t's life a t Harding. Good and bad things happened , but studen ts could always turn to the scriptures for encouragement. ". all things work together for good to them that love God, " - Romans 8:28. Inside Life Spring Sing '83 Peaceful Moments Fiddler on the Roof Homecoming Tuition Turmoil Concerts The Exodus Spiritual Life Working Class Black History Month World News A Celebration Dorm life One Act Plays Fun in Searcy? - Michael Kelly Life Editor 12 16 18 20 22 24 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 44 46