Staff The People Behind the Scenes Serving as the arms and Jegs of the administration and faculty , the capable, dedicate staff of Hard ing University made possible the efficient function ing of all facets of the University during 1983-84. Many staff members were Harding graduates who had turned down higher-paying positions to serve students at Harding because of their commitmen t to Christian education and to the aims and object ives of Harding Un iversity. Recipients of the 1983 Distinguished Staff Awards were Mary Groves , Sec retary of the Science Department and Joyce Johnson , Secretary to the Dean of Men and receptionist in the Student Personnel Office . This recognition was announced at the annual faculty-staff dinner on AI 'il 15 and each received a $1 ,000 check in addition to a framed certificate. Not only did the staff members perform a multitude of duties from campus main'tenance and custodial to the recruiting of students, and raising funds but many of the staff members also superv ised student workers and offered wise counsel to students with whom they became friends. ~ Cecil J. Adams, BS, Loan Collection Officer Jana K. Adams, BA, Postal Clerk Claudette Alexander, MAT, Secretary , Music Department Carolyn Anderson, BBA, Secretary , School of Education Marcella K. Bailey, Secretary , Private Enterprise Education Timothy B. Baird, MS, Director, Academic Computer Software Peggie L. Baker, BS, Office Manager , School of Nursing Johnnie Ballard, Paint Foreman Barbara Barnes, MAT, Director, Women's Intramural Sports Jerome M. Barnes, EdO, Director, Media Center Patricia D. Barr 't, BA, Assistant Director of Housing LaVerne Beach, Assistant Director, Child [kvelopment Lab Carol I. Beaudry, Secretary, Christian Communications Program Cecil M. Beck, MA, Di rector , Men's Int ramural Sports P. Scott Bellamy , BS, Admissions Advisor Belva J. Belkock, Bookkeeper, Library Sandra L. Boaz, Secretary , Public Relations Office Jan Brandow, BA, Clerk, Financial Aid Office William E. Bridges, BS, Manager, Bookstore Chris A. Broadaway, BA, Secretary , libra ry Herman L. Brown, Electrician Sue C. Bucy, Clerk, Staff Personnel Office Ronnie V. Burkett, Assistant Maintenance Superintendent James Ed Burt, Manager, Bowling Lanes 122 Staf f I Halloween is fl at just another normal work day for tile fillancial aid office. The staff jncludes: Fron t row: Ann Guffey, /0 Mathis, LYllda Goldman, - lolln J. Radcliff" Go ldie Williams. Back row: JaIl Brandow. Jane Musick , Pansy We l/s, Madra KatcJllIr and Zearl Watson.