1983-1984 Yearbook

science. Of the 196 declared majors in the department in the fall of 1983, 155 were in computer science. In the fall of 1982 there were only 124 declared majors in the department with 104 in computer science. Dr. Joseph E. Pryor resumed teaching advanced calculus to assist the department with its greatly increased student load. During the summer of 1983, Dr. Oldham taught a workshop on microcomputers . for elementary and secondary teachers. During the year, as well as the summer, he offered several short-term courses on microcomputers for the Harding faculty. David I)ratzer developd a grading program to help faculty members manage student grades by a computer. Dr. Priest completed a three-year term as Chairman of the Educational Materials Committee of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and chaired a study group for the Arkansas Council on scholarship aid for mathematics teachers in the state. Dr. Oldham spoke on "Computer Programs for Mathematical Applications in Business and Industry - A1ternate A1gorithms" at the Charlotte, NC, and Phoenix, AZ, NCTM meetings. Dr. Smith spoke at the Arkansas Council meeting in Little Rock and Dr. Harmon Brown· directed the regional ACTM high school contest and served on the ACTM subcommittee on mathematics for the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee. Tim Baird attended the DEeUS Conference in St. Louis and did extensive programming for the educational computer at Harding. Randall Maddox did gradua te study at the University of Texas during the summer. - W~ HQllalld 1. Timothy Baird, Instructor of Computer Science. 2. Instructor Craig Beard and Associate Professor Winnie Bell discuss a referen ce catalog in the library. 3. Stephen Baber, the newest faculty member in the Computer Scie"ce department. Library Science Winnie Bell, MAlS Assoc. Professor librarian Travis Cox, MM, MlS Asst. Professor Cataloging librarian Franklin Hayes, MlS Asst. Professor Periodicals librarian Craig W. Beard, MlS Instructor Reference librarian Suzanne Spurrier, MA Asst. Professor Circulation librarian Henry Terrill, MSlS Asst . Professor Government Documents librarian Mathematics and Computing Stephen Baber, PhD Assoc . Professor, Computer Science Timothy Baird, MS Asst. Professor, Computer Science Harmon Brown, PhD Assoc. Professor, Mathematics Gene Dugger, MS Assoc. Professor, Computer Science David Kratzer, MS Asst. Professor, Computer Science Randall Maddox, Jr., BS Assoc. Instructor, Mathematics John Nunnally, MS Asst. Professor, Computer Science Bill Oldham, EdD Professor , Mathematics Education, Director Dean B. Priest, PhD Professor , Mathematics & Chai rman Joseph E. Pryor, PhD Professor , Mathematics Steve Smith, PhD Professor, Mathematics & Ass!. Chairman Math and Computing 103