1982-1983 Yearbook

_ John J. Radcliffe " _ Darrelll. TfUJIf Muscular Dystrophy Fund Is Major Service Project The main t hrust of Sigma Tau a nd Kappa De lta acti vit ies was cente red around working with one basic se rvice project, the Muscul a r Dystrophy fund . The clubs sta rted off the yea r by devoting a Sunday afternoon to go on an outing with several Littl e Rock children suffe ring from Muscular Dys trophy. Sig Tau pres ident Wayne Hood said, "We just got in there and provided them with manpower for the outing a nd we e nj oyed it a lot." Late r in the year, c lu b membe rs participated in a door knoc king campa ign in the Searcy area to co ll ec t money for the fund. Also he ld ea rl y in the yea r was a joint cookout at the home of Dr. Ray Muncy, sponsor for Sig Tau . This got old membe rs reacquainted and se rved as a planning meeting. Othe r events du ring the year included a fa ll hayride for Kappa Delta and late r a Christmas Party. Kappa De lta also participated in fall sports, secu ring third place in large club softba ll. Sig Tau a lso played fa ll sports a nd did we ll in A team football. To celebrate Sig Tau's success in this sport, football coach Jim Love threw a spec ial party honoring a ll the playe rs. Humorous awards were presented and then a devotiona l was he ld with Kappa Delta. According to Lil a Cox, Kappa Delta pres ide nt, "The brother and siste r clubs enjoyed attending mov ies, parties and Bison games togethe r." The c lubs also worked the concess ion stand at a home footba ll game in Novembe r. "Just Clown in' Around" was the ir Spring Sing entry a nd thi s he lped to bring the clubs close r. In the sp ring both clubs ass isted with the annua l Specia l Olympics . Spring banquets and an end~of -the-yea r floa t trip rounded off a sat isfyi ng yea r. ~ 1. "Just Clown in' Around" in Spring Sing '82 are. lim Dotson, Debbie Ga rre tt, and Darrell Truitt. 2. Eyes concentrat ing on the arrows, Mark K.ing ant icipates a strike during Monday night club bowling. 3. Kappa Delta. 1. Hart-beau 2. Wall 3. Bozarth 4. Casey 5. Waldrop 6. McHan 7. Kosko 8. Sanders 9. M iller-bea u 10. Chandler 11. Anthony 12. Britton 13. Gill 14. Quigley 15. l ones 16 Eichenberger 17. Pomtree 18. Street 19. Linscott ·20. Sloan 21 . McLaughlin 22. Pigg 23. Jamison 24. Pierson 25. Enloe 26. Lunceford 27. Matthis 28. Maxwell 29. Berry 30. Balcolm-sec. 31 . Bearden 32. Cox~pres. 4. Sig Tau. 1. R. Smith 2. Truitt 3. A rd 4. Pherne 5. York-queen ' 6. Richards 7. Balcom-queen 8. sholey 9. Love-spiritual director 10. Northam 11 . Underwood 12. Richardson 13. Martin 14. Stovall 15. Miller~ athlet ic director 16. Pieratt 17. lames-sec. 18. Stapleton 19. Pridmore 20. Reeves 21. Kimery 22. Black 23. Caldwell 24. Hickerson 25. Phillips 26. McCain 27. Hood-pres. 28. Dotson-v. pres. 29. Waller 30. Ingram 31. Gilpin 32. Wallis 33. Hankins 34. Lee 35. King~treas . 36. Germany 37. K. Sm ith. 5. Stealing the show at Open House, Yogi Bear impresses freshmen women with his spectacular show of Kappa Del ta ribbons and signs. Sig Tau and Kappa Delta/89