1982-1983 Yearbook

~ Darrell L. Tru itt ~ John 1- f?adcliffe Success didn' t just happen. Goals were set . Concentrated effort was put forth . And resu lts came only after hard work and strugg le. Periodic success is obtainab le for anyone. But consistency reveals that a rare inner strength is present. Harding' s inner strength came from the Creator of the universe. Founded on Christian principles and guided thereby ever since, Harding had a reason to pursue excellence - Christians always gave their best effort . ~ Darrell L. TruiU Real ization of God' s purposes for I ife brought a renewing of mind . So, proper motivation was the key. God was the motivation. W ings are the instruments a bird uses to fly. Harding was winged to excellence because of her understanding of God and His plan for life . This understanding was a driving force, compell ing mountain top standards . Indeed, Harding was FLYING HIGH on wings of understanding. ~ Prologue/7