1982-1983 Yearbook

Cord of Unity Kept Strong Alpha Tau and GATA kept the cord of unity strong between clubs by participating together in severa l activities. The fa ll semester began with a watermelon party at the Knight House giving the members a chance for reunion after a summer apart. The chaos of Pledge Week was interupted by the club's Wednesday night wors hip service followed by a skating party. This helped the pledges and o ld members grow closer and a ided in bring ing about that special bond of friendship, Friday night of the same week the pledges joined the members in a ce lebration at Wendy's. The two clubs had devotionals together during the weeks they they did not gather to sing at Oak Dale Nursing Home, including a sunrise devotional at Camp Wyldewood . GAT A's hayride on October 29 was in keeping with the Hall oween spirit. Preceding the ride they visited the Porter Roger's haunted house. Raising funds for the Ken Rose Scholarship was one of GAl A's projects this year. Rose was a student here until his death last summer. lhey al so raised money to help Amy and Keith Groves pay for their two-yea r-o ld son Wesley's operation. A Homecoming breakfast for GAlA alumni was held on the Satu rday of Homecoming weekend. lhis enab led the girls to reminisce and share the happenings since last year. The Christmas party at the Wy ldewood Retreat Center c losed the fall semester in a festive mood leaving a Chri stmas sp ir it and a desire to see o ld friends and to reunite with family members. A prayer breakfast with Shantih, working in Special Olympics, Spring Sing, sponsoring the annual Winter Festival, and active part ic ipation b lended to help GAlA become a closer group. Besides activities with GAlA, A lpha Tau had devotionals and times to be together such as occasional breakfast at McDona lds which encouraged comradship. Softball looked good for Alpha Tau as they captured first place in " B" team and second pl ace in " A" team. Alpha Tau and GATA succeeded in good interclub relations because of their enthusiastic ' spirit and involvement. "<c-