1982-1983 Yearbook

Weekly Mass Dates Are Held "Teamwork" was a key word for the men and women of A lpha Omega and Delta Chi Omega as the two clubs closed out the 1982 sp ring semeste r with the ir presentation of"A rab ian Daze" in the annua l Spring Sing production. Developing deeper friendships and being able to see the final product of their efforts served as prime motivating factors in their work on the show. Being together was importa nt to A lpha Omega and Delta Chi. Weekl y mass dates and Tuesday ni ght devotionals provided many opportunities f or fe llows hip and for getting acquainted. Early in the fall semester, De lta Chi met at Wyldewood to begin pl an ning the yea r's activ i t ies and to reignite club sp irit. A lpha Omega joined them during the day for food, fun, and fellowship. Other joint club activities included a hay ride to the Danny Crow farm, a ska ting party, and a Chri stmas party at King's Inn . Special Olympics vo lunteers included a number of members from both clubs as they sought to serve others outside their own organizations. Both clubs participated in a ll fa ll and sp ring club spo rts, developing the unity a nd spirit of teamwork that is involved in athletic partiCipation. Alpha O mega competed in vo ll eyba ll , softba ll , basketball, and football, as did their s ister club. A lunc h box specia l, a float trip on the Buffalo River, a nd a sunri se breakfast at Wy ldewood were all spring semester events for the women of Delta Chi. The yea r ended with each club organizing its own spring banquet, an o pportunity wh ich afforded a relaxing time for the membe rs before taking final exams and leav ing each othe r for the summer break. ~ - John J. Radelille A lpha Omega and Delta Chi /71