1982-1983 Yearbook

- Darrell L. rruirl Thi s aim for exce ll ence manifes ted itese lf in almost eve ry f acet of activity - chi efl y because the threads of thi s principle were woven into the ve ry fabri c of the Uni versity. Academicall y, Harding was highl y respec ted . Graduates perfo rmed we ll and were in demand . O rgan izat ions competed with other school s and b rought home w inners' trophi es . Performance groups were among the bes t. Student publi cations were award ed high honors. Athl etes exce ll ed. The Floren ce, Italy program provided cross-cultural educa ti on. Evangeli sti c ca mpaign groups literally went all ove r t he wo rld. The list of accompli shments could go on indef initely. The fac ili t ies of the new Mabee Business Center se rved only to increase the credibil ity o f t he already repu table School of Business. Approxi mately onethi rd of t he student body majo red in one of the bu siness f ields. W ith enro llment experienc ing a sli ght dec rease f o r the second consecutive yea r, a new trend seemed to be emerging: deve lop ing a better quality with a small er quantity. - John J. Radcliffe Prologue/S