1982-1983 Yearbook

Editor's Note It is almost unbelievable that this book is reall y finished today. Only four weeks ago we still had 244 pages to complete. But after a se rie s of seve ral a ll-nighters and class skips, the final deadline has been met and another Petit Jean is in the plant Between the day the theme was conce ived and today, when it was fully developed, lay a period of seve ral months of stru~l e, triumph and emotion. Of course, everything didn't always fall r ight into place but the challenge of it all was something we cou ldn' t resist. Knowing that thi s book would take it's place on the she lf next to 23 All-Ame ric a ns was, in itse lf, a firm motivato r. But t he keen satisfaction which accomp.an ies a job we ll-done played a part as well. Since this is my eighth year to work on a yearbook and the third time to edit one, it is with a bit of sentimentality that I fini sh t hese final pages. The completion of this book marks the completion o f a brief era in my life and I honestl y hate to see it end. To my high school journalism teacher, Mrs. Vicki Brantly, who opened my eyes to t he voca ti onal direction I needed to take, I say an inadequate, " thank you." And to my parents, who didn't rea ll y understa nd why I wou ld sacrifice sleep and food for the PJ , but stood beside me and supported me without question: I love and appreciate you more t han you'll ever know. And to God 1 give t he glory and praise. He was always there even when I fail ed to reac h for Him. It was Hi s strength that allowed me to continue. It was Hi s power that e nab led the Petit Jean to fly high."'<: - Ja y Simpson, editor Colophon Volume 59 01 the Petit Inn is a publication of the students of Harding University. Josten 's ....merican Yearbook Company al its Visalia. Calil., plant printed 3.700 copies of lhe 384-page edition using the of/set lithography process. The 24-signature book is printed on 8Q.lb. high glo55 enamel slock and Irimmed to 9'· x 1 Z". The cover is silver labrikoid 1f500 base malerial with foxlur grain. The theme and logo are silver loil stamped on American Embossed panel 11. .19. Title, year, and spine information are blind embossed. The theme, "FL VING HIGH on wings of understanding, " was created by editor Jay 5impson. Marilyn Harris oversaw production in the plant. John ... . Clark of Oklahoma City was the company representative. With few exceptions, type was set by Harding Press. Oracle is the predominant typeface used. Generally, body copy is 9-pt. Oracle; cutlines are 8-pt. Oracle Italic with a boldlace lead-in; headlines vary among sections, some being hand-set from transfer letlering. The index is set in 6-pt. English. ....ppro.imately 10,000 black and wh ile and 800 color frames were shot lor piclure selection. Student, faculty and staff portraits were taken by Ben Red Studios of Litlle Rock. Custom Photo of Oklahoma City printed the 4-color photos for mounting. Second color used in Life includes: 30 per. cent red and 60 percent yellow (pp. 18-19); JO percent blue and 60 percent black (pp. 22-23); J(J per· cent beige (pp. 26-27); 60 percent red and 30 percent yellow (pp. 30-3n Petit Inn of/ices are located on the second floor of Hammon Student Center on the Harding Uni versity campus,· mailing address is P.O. Box 773, Station A, Searcy, AR 72143; le/ephone is (501) 168-6161 ext. 175. The book is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the "'rkansas College Publications Association. The 1981 Petit Inn received the Al/-.... merican rating from ACP. This was the 13rd consecutive year the book. received the ..ward _ Chrre-// L. TrUItt