1982-1983 Yearbook

382/Epilogue Old Clory waves proudly in the center of the campus on a gusty December day. 1. A red squirrel is not a bit bashful on the front lawn as Jeff Sholey discovers while being pleasantly interrupted from study. 2. Kim Hudson's amusement at an inc""]: dent across campus is not reciprocated by Kathy Walter. 3. Barefoot Susie Warr takes time out from an extremely full schedule of activities to catch a little sunshine, a little fresh air, and a frisbee on a warm afternoon near the " Indian Burial Mounds." 4. From behind the podium oJ. the Benson Auditorium, the sea of over 3000 students and faculty members is seen at a glance by Dr. Joseph E. Pryor as he meticulously makes his way through a stack of chapel announcements. 5. No hands is no problem for Chris Lowe as he pedals his way across campus to the student center to check his mail. / 2 ~ Darrell L Tru itt