1982-1983 Yearbook

1983 Petit Jean Staff Michael Kelly/editor Randy Barnes/ass ista nt editor Ruth Browning/advisor Editorial Staff Clubs and Organizations/S hei la Underwood Honors/A ll en Bai ley Spirit Builde rs/Rosema ry Smith with Al le n Bailey Sports/Randy Barnes with Michael Ke lly Intramurals and Elementary/ Jon Dugge r with Al len Bai ley Seniors and Classes/Mark Story wi th Michael Ke ll y Copy Staff Writers/Andy Rowan, Mike A l len, Cregg Ba rden, Ca ro lyn McCoy Contributors/A li en Bailey. Sheila Underwood. Rosemary Smith, Randy Barnes, Jon Dugge r, Mark Story, Greg Ozbirn, Laura Pittman, Michael Kelly Typists/Denise Alexander, Laura Pittman Photographic Staff Main Photographer/Greg Ozbirn ContributorS/Malcolm Howell , Jason Clevenger, Jeff Johnson, l a nce Bailey, She ila Underwood, Mark Story, Britt Thomas, 'Jon Dugger, Michael Kelly A special thanks to Mrs. Dortha Shirley for her love and concern. Thi s year a tradition was begun in the c lasses section. The sophomore page was in 30 percent gray and the juniors in 60 perce nt gray. Thi s grad ual change in color towa rd s t he black of the senio rs added to the aspect of the gradua l "growing up" of eac h class and student. Two exclus ive pages were added to the senior footba ll section, howeve r, not as a permanent cha nge. They helped ma rk t he return of the vibrant Wildcat spi rit si nce the Dist ri ct winne rs of 1977. No one may fully comprehend the Petit Jean who hasn' t extensively worked on her staff . The satisfa ction a nd relief of fi nishin g you r section, writing a captivat ing article, or taking the untakable picture carries such a value that it cannot be conveyed by mere words. It's an aspect of life that I'm glad I ha ven't missed. As it was, my s taff fou nd the work challenging and rewa rding, as well as f rust rat ing a nd physica ll y taxing . Working all ni ght with this new sta ff gave me experiences I' ll never forget. Fire ext ingu ishers, dart guns, a nd our loca l hobb lede hoy, Jon Dugger, charac terized most of o ur all-n ighte rs. However stra nge these antics may seem, they helped us stay awake a nd hal fway sa ne . A speci a l thanks goes to Beetle, for his rele ntl ess hours of help above and far beyond the cal l of duty. I appreciate very much my cooperative staff and those that se nt the ir zany letters of encou ragement. We, the Academy s taff of 1983, have placed a littl e part of ourselves in the Petit Jean and hope you f ind a part of you rself in it a s wel l. ~ _ Michael S. Kelly, Edi tor Epilogue/357