Elementary Observes Safety In frequently, bad wea ther threatens the Searcy area . When it does, schoo ls have ce rtain safety precautions they must take. In ea rl y December , bad weather consisting of tornados and heavy thunderstorms hit the state. With the s ighting of a tornado near Sea rcy, the sc hool day was interrupted and the e lementary took the necessary safety measures . The students were stuffed into sma ll bathrooms and narrow hallways and had to stay there for 45 minutes . Afterwards the students went back to their classes treating the day as any other . In thi s s itu ation many c hildren of this age group would normally have been hard to handl e. However, the students went ca lmly to their designated safety a reas and remained there orderly until con352/Elementary ditions permitted their return to the class room. One teacher, when asked about the behavior of the students, rep li ed, "The chi ldren reali zed the se riousness of the situation a nd acted accordingly ." .'«:.. 1. Students crouch in common safety position during tornado threat. 2. Friends make homeworK more fun for Marleah Burks, Becky Johnson, Rachael Joiner, and Jennifer Barnes. 3. Sixth Grade. Front row: Robertson, Erwin, Van Rheenan, Cox, McFadden, Pittman, Gibson, Howard, Milner, Pollard, Burk s, Dean. Second row: Shumate, Carter, Nichols, Jackson, James, Sharp, Bendickson, House, Dickson, Beard, Johnson, Burrus, Roberts, Ely. Third row: Crouch, Wilson, Fowler, Col/ins, Hinds, Joiner, Diffine, Citty, Martin, Gardner, Siler. Back row: Mr. Lambeth-reacher, Tate Ferguson, Miller, Priest, Meacham, Mrs. Bet ts-teacher, Mrs. Lloydteacher. 2______-:;;