Two new faces ar rived in August to grace the hall s of Harding Academy. One face was new, the other used to be a student at the Academy. The new face was basketba ll head coac h Nicky Boyd. The alumnus was footba ll assistant coac h Roy Barnes. Roy Barnes was named assista nt coach for foo tba ll ma inl y to deve lop the defensive ends. He coached the tight ends and aided coac h Ga ry Rhodes with the linebackers . As a former punte r for the W ildcats in 1977-78 when they took Class A state c hampionsh ip, he was ab le to he lp in tha t way as we ll. Having lived in Sea rcy most of hi s life, Barnes attended Ha rding from nurse ry school through the Univers ity . When asked why he c hose to teach at the;~Q el]1 y, Ba rnes said, " I enjoy the peop le that are attracted to Christian education a nd I feel as though I'm seei ng myself as I was in a mirror, bu t it's only that the tab le is turned ; now I'm the teacher!" Nicky Boyd was appOinted basketball head coac h. Even though he was new to the Academy, he was ce rtainl y no greenhorn to basketball. Boyd was a four-year lette rma n in basketball and golf a nd was a member of the Henderson Sta.teArka ns as Intercoll egia te Conference c hampionsh ip basketba ll teams of 1968 and 1969. He began hi s coac hing caree r at Arkade lphia's junior high in 1969. At the end of hi s coaching ca ree r at Cabot in 1976, hi s team won the bAA Regiona l Championship and he was awarded New Faces "Coach of the Year" hono rs in Region 6AA. Boyd commented about the Academy, " I cou ldn' t be more pleased. The stude nts and fac ulty have been eve ryt hing I had hoped they wou ld be." '-«; 1. Consumed with secretarial duties, Mrs. Betty Alston concentrates on her work. 2. Mrs. Dortha Shirley pauses for a smile between classes. 3. A know· ledge of discipline as well as algebra go hand in hand for math teacher Roy Barnes. - Greg Ozbirn Florence F. Henry, MA/E lemen tary Music Ed Higginbotham, MSE/S uperintendent Vivian M. Hyde/Secreta ry to Principal 340/Facul ty J. Craig Jones, BA/Chorus, Music & Bible V. Randy Lambeth, MEd/6th Grade Edwin Land, MSE/Cou nse lor Lois Lawson, MAT/3rd Grade Marcie Lloyd, MA/5th Grade Sue McGaha/Sec retary to Elementary Principal Brutus Moore, BA/Bible & Building/Grounds Supervisor Gary W. Rhodes, BA/Coach & Physica l Education Dennis D. Rine, MEd/Coac h & Physical Education Mattie Sue Sears, MAT/2nd Grade Dortha Shirley, BA/Engiish Susan E. Williams, BA/Speech & English Ray A. Wright, MME, MEd/Engl ish Marie Yingling, BA/Socia l Studies .--- 3 -GregOztim