1982-1983 Yearbook

33B/Faculty Faculty Completes P.E.T. Early in the 19B2-B3 school year the entire faculty and admini stration were involved in the Program for Effective Teaching (PET), a program which has the strong support of the State Department of Education. (Three members of the Academy staff were certified as instructors of PET .) The purpose of this in· service tra ining was to make the teach ing staff more effective and efficient in its work. Additions to the curri culum incl uded a two-semester course in modern world history as well as one-semes ter courses in business math, consumer education, housing, and an exploratory cou rse in foreign languages ·and cultureS':'-«:. 1. Counselor Ed Land dribbles down the basketball court and proves that" "teachers can do it too." 2. High school secretary Vivian Hyde finds some phone calfs amus ing. 3. Coach Dennis Rine drops into a family living cooking class to "inspect " the food. 4. Bible class becomes a practical ex' perience for Scott Corder as he learns song/eading techniques from Ray Wright. S. Snowed under wi t h work, elementary secretary Edna Nichols helps keep her half of the Academy organized. 6. Linda Arnold soaks up her spilled coffee with a paper towel during her class planning per iod. 7. Five-year-olds can be exhausting, and Carol Hendon finds the rocking chair a comfortable resting place after a day's work. - Greg Ozbirn - Becky SwarlwOO<i