1982-1983 Yearbook

Faculty Dominates Boy's Teams The boy's intramural basketball league was run by coach Gary Rhodes. The league was open to all 9-12 graders who weren't involved in varsity basketball. Rhodes divided the teams as evenly as possible. Rhodes commented, "The participation was a huge success and I enjoyed being a part of the league." The five intramural teams and the faculty each played six games including a practice game to start the season. The practice game was an effort to help get the new teammates better acquainted. The facul ty, as in the past, was very dominent in the league. They wore down the opposing teams with their endless reserves until they played at the end of the year. The elected All-Stars and the faculty battled for the covetted trophy to the bitter end. ~ 336/ lntramura ls Intramurals - - GregOzbim 6 • - - Greg Ozbim 2 • • • L , -CIq!Ozbim '-.------ - Cres Gzbim