1982-1983 Yearbook

• • - Creg O~bjrn 1. Tennis Team. Front row: 8. Thomas, Altman, Corder. Back row: Barden, A. Thomas, Lindsey, Gary Rhodes·coach. 2. Gregg Barden concentrates on his serve in a warm-up dri/f. 3. Britt Thomas watches his brother Andy volley in tennis. Juniors Lead Team Coach Cary Rhodes ' 1983 Wildcat tennis team, with only two of six players retu rning, rel ied on freshman depth for the '83 season. Juniors Gregg Barden and Andy Thomas were the only lettermen returning from the 1982 team. Barden placed second in the district sing les meet and reached the semi-f inals of the state meet. Thomas also advanced in t~e doubles division. Freshmen Britt Thomas, Brad Altman, John Lindsey and Scott Corder completed the rest of the Wildcat team. The group played individual meets against Central Arkansas Christian and Pulaski Academy and entered a group tournament at Batesville. Acco rding to Rhodes, the 1983 Wildcat tenni s team was "very competitive and well-balanced. " ~ - Greg Ozbirn Tennis/335