1982-1983 Yearbook

Tracksters Achieve Their Goals The Wildcat track team returned many members from l ast year's team and a good amount of talent. The 1982 team had great enthusiasm. With on ly four seniors on the team, the tracksters had to re ly on support from inexperienced underclassmen. The team went to many meets ea rl y in the season to prepare them for the major meets l ater in the year. These included the Rattier Re lays in Murphreesboro, the Reddie Relays at Henderson Sta te University, the Searcy Key Club meet, the Red Devi l Relays in Augusta, the Hazen Hornet Re lays, and the Wildcat Re lays at the Harding University track. The team set as its pre-season goa ls to w in the White County meet and the Di stri ct SA-Central meet. The Cats ac hieved their 334/5enior Track fi rst goa l by winning the county in a close contest with ri val Ken se tt. At the end of the meet the Wildcats were appare ntly behind , but due to a scoring e rror the Cats came out on top . The Wildcats had little troubl e in achieving thei r second goal. The district was won eas il y and some members qualified for the state meet at Danvill e . At the state meet in May, Ross Spurlock placed second in the pole vault and John Paul l ee placed fourth in the high jump. The mile relay team placed sixt h to give the team a total of eleven poin ts in the meet. The team overcame its inexperi e nce to post three consecutive wins at the end of the season and a good showing in the state mee t."-<c. 2 1. Senior Track Team. Front row: Kelly, Story, Curr y, Womack, Corbin, Howell, A nderson. Second row: Daughety, Throckmorton, Henderson, Randy Barnes, Allen, Davis, Roth, Duncan. Third row: Branch, K. Fox, C. Moreland, I . Fox, S. Moreland, lones, Ba iley. Back row: Bilf Barden-head coach, Ro y Barnes-assistant coach, Denise Rine-ass istant coach. 2. John Mark Daughety warms up with a few j umps before a track meet. 3. Hours of practice and tra ining aids Mark Story as he prepares to throw the discus. - Lance Bailey