1982-1983 Yearbook

- Greg Ozbirn - Cou rtesy 01 Publjcjly Of fice - Greg Ozbirn 1. Senior High Basketball Team. Front row: Kelly, Curry, Barden, Spears, Bailey, Branch, Fielder, Daughety, Witt. Second row: Nicky Boyd-coach, Howell, Burks, Throckmorton, Womack, Corbin, Story, Henderson, Thomas, Randy Lambeth--coach, Dennis Rinecoach. 2. Coach Nicky Boyd explains the strategy as players listen intently. 3. Danny Womack evades the defender's hands and shoots for two points. 4. Malcolm Howell forces his way to the goal for a jump shot. 5. Sandwiched between two opponent s, Mike Keffy manages a shot form the free-throw line. 6. The ball smoothly leave!> Dewayne Curry's hands to add to the Wildcat's total score. 7. High pos t man Mark Story takes a jump shot as Brian Burks runs to the goal for a possible rebound. 8. Unguarded, Lance Bailey takes a free sho t from the lane. 9. The game begins successfully as Malcolm Howell claws for the tip-off. SENIOR HIGH BASKETBALL RESULTS Harding 61 DeVal l's Bluff 55 Humphrey 64 ' Humnoke 68 Ouachita Ch ristian 66 Hazen 88 Humnoke 78 DeVa ll's Bluff 60 V iloni a 67 Mayfl ower 62 Drew Cen tral Opponent 46 59 49 47 41 81 50 48 47 74 68 Central Ark . Chri sti an 48 70 53 40 39 90 Ark . School for Deaf 60 Pulaski Academy 73 Mayflower 59 Hazen 89 Rosebud 94 Ark. Schoo l for Deaf 62 Pulaski Academy 63 Central Ark . Christian 58 Griffi th ville 81 Wh ite Co. Central 78 62 46 61 60 70 - Greg Ozbirn - Greg Ozbirn Senior Basketball/333