Cats Overwhelm Conference The se nior Wildcats, undef eated during the district round-robin, were seeded first in the district tournament with an 8-0 conference record and an 18-3 over-a ll record . High scor ing and pre ss ur e defense character ized the '83 Wildcats as they had four games in whi ch they scored 88 or more points. The Cats sta rted the season in the Hazen tournament with a 20 point w in over the DeVali s Bluff scrappers. Five wins and one tough loss later, the senior cage rs returned to their home t urf and defeated a tough Vilonia team . The sen ior Cats then swept through the conference roundrobin, winning twice over the four teams in the conference. In332/Senio r Elasketba ll eluded in these games was a 63-61 win over arch-rival Central Arkansas Christian and a 94-62 blow-out over the Deaf Sc hool. The Wildcats had high hopes going into the county tournament An 89-77 win over host team Rosebud supp lerrented t he Cats ' hopes . But a heart-breaking 60-58 loss to e ventual champion Griffithvi ll e halted the Cats' chances to win the county. Danny Womack a nd Malcolm Howell were pl aced on the AII - County Team. Mark Story won the indi vidua l · sc ho larship trophy. Senior contributors for the 82-83 basketba ll season were Mark Story, Malcolm Howell, Dewayne Curry, a nd Michael Kelly.~ . - CregOzbirn " - - CregOzbirn