- St"ff Photo - Mike Kelly Wildcat Spirit Award Michael Kelly ~-·'O·h·" ·'.·'·'d·'·liflf' _ James Pholography Leadership, Dedication and Hard Work Harding Academy placed eight players on the S-A Central AIIConference Football Tearn and linebacker John Fox was named the conference's outstanding lineman. Wi ldcats coach Bill Barden was named the conference's Coach of the Year. Wildcats named to the allconference team were Fox at linebacker and offensive guard, defensive tackle Jon White, offensive guard and noseguard Andy 328/Sen ior Football Rowan, tailback and safety Chet Moreland, center Mike Britt9n, linebacker and tight end Mark Story, cornerback and quarterback Michael Kelly and defensive end and offensive tackl e Scott Corbin. Five other Wildcats were named honorable mention. They were Danny Womack, Brian Anderson, Mike Alien, Dewayne Curry and Kenny Fox. John Fox was named the 5-A Central Lineman of the Year. The KWCK/KSER Dream Team, a group of outstanding players in. the KWCKlKSER radio station area included three Wildcats in its roster. They were John Fox, Jonathon White, and Chet Moreland. ~ 1. Michael Kelly runs around the end to escape would-be tacklers. 2. Coaches Barden and Rine watch practice closely to see if they can improve the team's performance. 3. Coaches explain to the players how to execute the play correedy. 4. Mike Britton silS and rakes a much deserved rest. 5. Chet Moreland breaks into the open field for a big gain. 6.1982 Seniors. Front row: Kelly,. Fox, Curry, Britton. Back row: Rowan, Howell, Story, White, Anderson. 7.-9. Coach Barden discovers where Improvemenf is needed, explains the correct method, and watches in approval as his instructions are carried out. 10. Scott Corbin attacks the opposing blocker and reads where the play is going. 11 . Mike Davis fights hard for ext ra yardage.