1982-1983 Yearbook

- John J. Radcliffe _ Darrell L Truiu _ Christopher Thompson 1. "With You /t's All or Nothing," sings Ado Annie played by Sherry Alkire. 2. Will Parker (joe Aaron) and the Kansas City Boys proclaim, "Everything 's Up To Date In Kansas City." 3. Curly (jeff Johnson), Laurey (Kathy Eaton), and Aunt Eller (Kim Hudson) take a little ride in the surrey with the fringe on top! 4·7. lights! Camera! Action! Before the opening performance the cast and crew spend weeks preparing all the smallest details from wrinkle lines to stage directions. 8. The girls insis t to Laurey that "Many A New Day Will Please My Eye." 9. Andrew Carnes (Danny Campbell) instructs A Ii Hakim (Charles Dupre) to, "Take keer of my little Ado Annie!" 10. Curly demonstrates his marksmanship to Jud Frye (Kevin Bay). Oklahoma!!31