- Malcolm Howell 1. "Oops! Dropped your dollar!" says Sue Ellen Jeffcoat as Todd Hendon makes a purchase at the concession stand. 2. Key Club. Front row: Thompson, Simoneaux, Bridges, Berryhillsec., M. Diles, Posey, B. Difessponsor. Second row: Underwood, Duncan, Jeffcoat, Coker, Monday, Higginbotham-treas. , Pittman. Third . row: Hu ie, Henderson, Howell-v. pres., Smith, Rowan-pres. Back row: Story, Britton. 3. Library Aides Club. Library Aides Club proved a va luable asset to the smooth running of the high school li brary, according to sponsor Ruth Browning. The members checked in and shelved books, put overdue notices in lockers, and got new books ready for ci rcu lat ion. The library aides prepared a display for the elementary l ibrary when the elementary school was being evaluated for North Cent ral accred itat ion. On se lected Satu rdays during the year, members met for work parties at the schoo l bui lding. After comp leting their work, they went out together for lunch at a loca l restaurant. As a serv ice organization, Key Club looked for ways to improve the school. Efficient organization by sponsor Bill Diles promoted Front row: R. Higby, L. Higb y, Romine. Second row: Posey, Gardner, Mathis-pres., Browning-sponsor. Third row: Flippin, Boaz, Walker. Fourth row: Clevenger, Sudano, King, Johnson, LoU. Fifth row: Kilman, Bogle-v. pres., Joiner, Claypool, Wittsec.-treas. Back row: Meacham, Pru i tt. 4. Danny Thompson, displaying leadership and patriotism, leads the Pledge of Allegiance in chapel as Mark Story and Andy Rowan join in. - Darrell L. Truitt _ Darrell L. rrUltl interest in members of the group toward the projects that were undertaken . Earl y in the year, Key Club members j oi ned the Searcy Kiwanis Club in its annual popcorn sa le. Every two weeks throughout t he year, two different members met with the Kiwan is Club for a luncheon. Key Cl ub took responsibil ity for running the concess ion stand during basketbal l season . As a fund-raising project, the club checked lockers periodica ll y, charging fines for excessively dirty lockers. Various members served as fire marshalls during the schoo l 's monthly fire drills. To encourage patriotism in the student body, a male member of Key Club led the Pledge of Allegiance in chapel each week~ Organizations/313