Independence ¥{as the goal of the Camera Club. The nine members worked individually throughout the year, learning as much as they wanted about the art of- photography _ Each member paid a fee earl y in the first semester to pay for chemica ls and darkroom use, and then obtained film and paper from Ed land, club sponsor, at reduced costs . In January, the Camera Club took a field trip to see the University's photographic facilities. Mike James, director of photography for the University, guided the tour, expla ining and demonstrat ing how the various pieces of equipment are used. Toward the end of the year, the members displayed their year's work at an exhibition. Mike James judged the pieces, and prizes were awarded for fi rst, second, and third places. This year' s Foreign Language Club experienced a tremendous increase in size, adding 13 members. Many of the new members were seventh graders, who developed an interest in foreign languages through their stud ies in elementary school. Mrs. Anita Hamilton's credentials definitely qualified her to be sponsor of the club. Havi ng lived in three foreign countri es and traveled in 21 others, she was able to share her knowl edge and experiences with the members. Several times during the year, the club made trips to res taurants where internat ional dishes were served in authentic sty le. The highlight of the year was the trip to Mexico during spring break . The members visited Mexico City, Acapulco, and Taxco, learning not only about the Mexican language, but getting a firsthand v iew of the lifesty le of the people_~ 1. Foreign Language Club. Front row: - Darrell L Tru itt Ozburn, Kelly, Curry, Underwood. Back row: Brown, Story, Landsponsor, Johnson. 3. Life is made easier for Spanish-speaking Juliana Ibarra by Anita Hamilton's helpful advice. 4. David Brown rechecks a book with the help of library aide Shannon Romine. Boaz, Pruitt, Walker. Second row: Ibarra, King, Lott, Buss. Third row: . Hamilton-sponsor, Tate, Forbes, I Treat, Monday-v. pres., Johnson. Back row: Sudano, Posey-pres., Betts-sec.-treas., Joiner. 2. Camera Club. Front row: !-lowell. Second row: 312/0rganizations - Greg Ozbirn