Headed by editor Nancy Mathi s, the Wildcat staff endeavored to keep students informed about Academy activities. The paper, which came out every six weeks, focused on sports, c lass, and club news. The Wildcat format underwent a slight change with the addition of " Viewpoints." This column gave students opportunity to express their opinions and beliefs on various subjec ts. For the first time, the staff sent complimentary copies of the Homecoming edit ion to al umni . With the combination of these two factors, the Wildcat was allowed a bigger budget, enab ling the staff to increa se the number of pages produced _~ The size of the Petit Jean staff was noti ceably smaller than it had been in past years. Academy editor Michael Kelly handpicked the workers rather than asking for volunteers, in order to instill a sense of responsibility and unity in the staff . Under hi s guidance, and with occasional help from the University workers, the staff set o"ut to capture· on paper the emotions and events of the year. " Working with this staff was a one-of-a-kind experience, " said Kelly . " I never knew what Jon Dugger would break next ! But seriously, I've never worked with a more dedi cated Academy staff than this one." However, dedi cation is not the only ingredient necessa ry to produce a good yearbook. Talent and a great deal of patience is required as well, according to Kelly. Slowly the staff comprehended the stri ct boundaries of the Petit Jean, however, and formulated ideas of their own. The majority of the Academy section was finished by the end of January, 1983, which was " a shocking, yet pleasant su rprise," Kelly sa id. And so, after working less than a month, it wa ~ over, at least for another year. "<::. _ DarrellJ.. Truitt 1. Allen Bailey and Jon Dugger try to accomplish some work when they are interrupted from abo ve by mischievous Mark Story. 2. Wildcat Staff. Front row: Mathis-edi tor. Back row: Spears-a ss t. editor, Beach, White, S. Underwood, Carrer, L. Underwood. 3. Petit Jean Staff. Front row: Kelly-edito!, Aflen, Pittman, A lexander, Smith, Underwood. Back row: Qzbirn, Baile y, Barnes-asst. editor, Rowan, Story, Barden, Dugger. 4. Eager hands grab for a copy of the Wildcat. 310/0rganizations - Greg Ozbirn 3 J ' , - Greg Ozbirn