1982-1983 Yearbook

Sub Debs Capture Volleyball Championship Ten new members joined the Sub Debs thi s year, rece iv ing thei r invitat ions on Thursday, September 23. Pl edging activities incl uded a "K iss the Tree" contest at Harding Park, a litter pickup on campu s, singing, proposais, and other absurd commands invented by the pl edgemistresses. After two days of pl edg ing, the neophy te members apprecia ted a bu nking party at cl ub sponsor Marie Yingling's home, where the activ ities ceased. A devotional centered around Christian love helped establi sh goals for the year. The girl s became official members at the fo rmal initiation ceremony held at Denise Barrett's house on October 12. "Winter Wonderland" was the theme chosen by the Sub Debs for their annual banquet, whi ch took place December 4 at Harr is' Cafeter i a. A Chri stmas t ree, candl es and holl y at each table, 308/Socia l ( I ubs and Christmas ca rol s in the background helped to carry out the theme. Games, music, and "Great White North" impersonati ons by Billy and Dav id White made for an enjoyable party afterwards at Donna England 's house. Club beaux Scott Corbin and Mal co lm Howe ll added to the club spirit, coaching the Sub Debs to an undefea ted volleyba ll c h a mpions hip.~ 1_ Sub Deb Beaux. Scott Corbin, Malcolm Howell. 2. Candlelight adds to the effect as Beth Forbes pledges loyal t y to the club at formal initiation. 3. Tension is in the air as Juliana Ibarra prepares to return the ball. 4. A "Wi nter Wonderland" banquet sets the mood for the Chris tmasseason fo r club members and their dates. S. Sub Deb. Front row: Stanley, Hendon, Mathis-presiden t, Tate-v. presiden t, Betts. Back row: Yingling-sponsor, Smith, Carter, Underwood, Forbes, Barrett. - Darrell L. Truil! - Darrell L. Truitt