1982-1983 Yearbook

_ Jason Ueven!!", Christmas Party Ends Semester for STARs On September 23, eight girls received bids for STAR social club. Immediately after the invitations were passed out, the new and old members proceeded to the girls' duplex for a tea where the pledges served their pledgemistresses. Following a trip around town, interspersed with humiliating commands at various stops, everyone met at the Sidney Deener playground for more hilarity. Kangaroo Court at Lauri Shirley's house ended pledging activities for the evening . The pledges furnished homemade noisemakers for the pep rall y at school the next day and succeeded in winning the sp irit stick. At formal November 11 initiation, held at Dana Reely's home, the eight new members became "sterling STAR's," participating in the traditional candlelighting ceremony. Making submarine sandwiches gave the girls a chance to employ their creativity at the Christmas party on December 9. The members and their dates ate their fill and then were ready to play the game that had been planned. To wrap up the night, the girls gave Christmas stockings to their dates. STAR sponsor Dortha Shirley assisted in organizing club func - tions; club president Lauri Shirley commented, " I like having my mom as sponsor because she's a lot of fun ." Club beaux Mike Allen and Dewayne Curry offered valuable advice and encouraged the' girls in the various intramural sports. The highlight of the year for the STAR's was a Valentine banquet held February 12.~ 1. STAR. Front row: Reely, Simpson, Bridge-v. president, L. Shirleypresident, Coker, Mitchell. Second row: Priest, Col/ins, Manley, Smith, Jorgensen. Back row: Cox, Killebrew, White, Kreh, D. Shirely-sponsor. 2. Surprises are in store for Malcolm Howell as Rachelle Jorgensen watches him empty his stocking. 3. "Have a Coke and a smile!" Lauri Shirfey and Melanie Bridges prepare refreshments before formal ini t iation. 4. Beaux. Dewayne Curry, Mike Allen. 5. Pledge Tara Simpson cleans up the mess after her precious 50-signature egg has been dropped by an uncaring classmate. - Jason Clevenger - Jason Clevenger Social Clubs/307