1982-1983 Yearbook

KA1.s Initiate Eight Members Pledging activities for the eight initiates of KAT socia l club began with a blindfo ld trip around campus. Pl edges sang in th"e cafeteria, ran errands for thei r pledgemist resses, participated in air raids, water balloon fights, a nd the event of the day - a raft race in the lil y poo l, with the pledges still blindfolded! The following evening the pl edges and old members attended the footba ll game together, ending the night with a bunking party at Denise A lexander's house. The Chri s tmas pa rty, he ld December 10 at Ange la Jones' house, proved to be " Iots of fun, " according to KAT Renee Butterfield . The girls and their dates played assorted games .. including 306/50cia l Clubs "Wink 'em" and " Darlin', if you love me, you' ll sm ile." After the fun and games, each girl present· ed he r date wit h a stocking full o f Ch ri stmas goodies. Bria n Ande rson and Andy Rowan, cl ub beaux, spent time with the club members, coaching in the intra mural spo rts and jus t getting to know the girls. Ea rly in the year, eac h KAT received a red ca rnat io n from the beaux, and at Chri stma s time, the beaux gave each gi rl a loaf of homemade pumpkin bread. Miss linda Arnold found time in he r sc hedule to serve as KAT sponsor, a iding in the various ac· tivities and becoming be tte r ac· quainted w ith the membe rs th rough the time spent together. ""'" 1. Beth Segraves hopes for a point as she serves to her opponents. 2. Signatures become a coveted item for Melita Diles during Pledge Week. 3. Excited about the banquet, Karmen Kelly and Angela lanes call to make final preparations. 4. Beaux. Brian Anderson, Andy Rowan . 5. KAT. Front row: Segraves, Berryhill, Diles. Second row: Butterfield, K. lanes. Third row: Alex· ander, Kelly·president, Higginbotham. Fourt h row: Hale-v. president, Arnoldsponsor. Back row: A. lones, Bendickson. ~I ----...,