Under the direction of Craig Jones, the senior high Chorus enjoyed a year of hard work and challenging performances. The 8S-member group presented its first program at the College church of Christ for the annual fall lectureship. For fall tour, the chorus stayed in Arkansas, giving programs for Chorus ·Activities Increase churches in Corning, Williford, and Fayetteville, and at Metro Christian School in Fort Smith. Two weeks after their return, the singers were busy making preparations for the Senior High All Region Chorus tryouts, which were held at Harding Academy. In December, the junior and senior high choruses combined for an evening program of Christmas music. In keeping with their purposes of glorifying God and serving others, members visited the Searcy hospitals, singing Christmas carols and chatting with the patients. There were several chorus alumni who participated in this activity . Highlights of the spring tour in- - Darrell L. Truitt cluded sightseeing in Philadelphia, a tour of the Hershey fac - tory, visiting Monticello, and spending a full day in Washington, D. C. To close out the year, the chorus participated in the annual "Musical Extravanganza," performing songs with an American theme. '<:. 1_ Senior High Chorus. Front row: Walker, Huie, Tate, Berryhill, Mikami, Bridges, Barden, Scoggin, Bailey, Branch, Coker, Stanley, Mathis, Shirley, Saldano. Second row: Spears, Duncan, Dean, Kreh, Story, Rowan, K. Jones, Thompson, Reynolds, Hale, Hendon, Cox, Betts, Simpson. Third row: Womack, Howell, McCoy, Segraves, Diles, Jorgensen, F. Brown, Fielder, Curry, Thomas, P. Brown, Alexander, Loftin, Butterfield, P. Smith. Fourth row: Gaur, A. Jones, Mitchell, Collins, K. Anderson, Barret, Priest, Henderson, Johnson, Burks, Porter, M. Kelly, Brit - ton, Becky White, R. Smith, Roth. Back row: Killebrew, Bendickson, Manley, McDonald, Cyphers, Forbes, K. Kelly, Corbin, J. White, B. Anderson, Billy White, Allen, Throckmorton, S. Brown, Carter, Underwood, England. 2. Chorus director Craig Jones looks for three "ones" at the state chorus tryouts as he "bangs" out the notes. 3. Junior high chorus members gain valuable singing experience as they learn the notes of an a cappella song. 4. Junior High Chorus. Front row: Lott, Walker, Dillon, M. Brown, Jon Dugger, Mackey, Flippin, King, Lyons, Bousread, Porter, B. Brown, Higbee, Bobby Boaz, Wood. Second row: Tate, Rowan, Flippin. Russell, A. Tate, Bilbert, Altman, Sudano, Martin, Laura Carter, Isom, Diles, Stanley, Halley, L. Higbee. Third row: Sandlin, Buss, Vaughn, K. Johnson, Hough, Corder, Thomas, Robertson, Hendon, S. Brown, Henderson, V. Elder, Hillis, Fox, A. Johnson, Whitehead, Hopkins. Fourth row: Adams, Underwood, Lisa Carter, BarreU, Oldham, Shackelford, Lindsey, Daughety, Williams, Becky Boaz, Pelky, Forbes, Norwood, Kreh, Joe Dugger, C. Johnson, Powell, S. Tate. Back row: V. Johnson, Howard, K. Olree, Grunwald, Richey, Marple, White, Boyd, Smith, R. Whitehead, Hickman, Throckmorton,]. Smith, Cook, Slatton, House, B. Brown, Tucker. Musicj30S