S.A. Sponsors Fall Retreat 1982 Success - the ultimate goa l. Successf ul would be the onl y way to desc ribe t he a nnua l Fall Retreat. It was sponsored by the Student Associat ion on Saturday and Sunday, October 16 and 17. After the group arri ved at Camp Ta hkoda h, fun activities we re organ ized afte r lunch and soon teams we re competi ng in softba ll , vo ll eyball and kickball. Sen iors captai ned eac h team and everyone was encouraged to play. T i red, but not worn out, the group ascended the bluff where S.A. Preside nt Fearon Brown gave a ta lk app rop ri ate ly e nt itled "- " The Sermon on the Mount. " He t cha ll e nged stude nts a nd teachers '0 to be "doers of the Word and not ~ hearers only." ~ Supper and free time followed and t hen students eage rl y flocked to the gym for t he Saturday ni ght entertai nment. The two movie attractions were "Who's on First?" and "Who's Minding the Mint?" A period of singing and prayer followed and then students contemp lated the words, " Lights out! " Several juni ors, however, had something else in mind . They began shouting in the formerly Quiet darkness, " We want K.P.! We want K.P. !" Soon the junior rowdies were all owed to change the ir chant to " We GOT K.P.! We GOT K.P.!" After Su nday morning worship assembly, lun chtime prov ided the se niors the c hance to demonstrate the serv ice to others that had been di sc ussed the previous day. The senior class served lunch to the rest of the retreat party, handing out fried chi cken to the lines of hungry peop le. Given an opportuni ty to respond to this generous service, the other .students returned the f avor by giv ing their bread to senior Michae l Kell y, who co llected and consumed all that was offered. All hands partic ipated in the cl ean-u p that fol lovyed . Another period of free time blended in w ith packing and other preparations to leave. Exhaus ti on due to the full sc hedul e and hect ic pace was beginning to aff ect many as the trip back to Searcy drew nea rer. Arri vi ng back at the Academy at mid-af ternoon, students and teac hers broug ht back tired bodies but refreshed spirits. The 300/S.A . Retreat journey that had begun in the same parking lot one day earli er did end, but not without blessing the I ives of those who made it~ 1. Reflecting on Fearon Brown 's "Sermon on the Mount," Br ia n Anderson evaluates his relationship with Cod. 2. "Head/em up; move 'em out!" yells S.A. sponsor Craig Jones as he prepares the caravan to leave for Camp Tahkodah. 3. Finding the bluff Quiet and serene, Sheila Underwood reads her Bible during quiet time. 4. Sparkling in the early morning sun, Salado Creek 's beau t y is seen. 5. Waiting for his turn a t bat, Mark Story watches the game. 6. Lauri Shirley and She/ma Collins goof off as usual. 7. Waiting for the Kentucky Fried Chicken, the students mingle patiently. 8. Clowning around during free time, Dewa yne Cu rry, Jeannie - Munger, and Julie Caut ta lk about the retreat. 9. Sunday afternoon found Camp Tahkodah deserted, but not forgotten. 10. Demonstr~ting senior leadership, Mike Britton hands out Kentucky Fried Chicken. - Mike Kelly _ Sheila Underwood _ Sheila Underwood _ Mike Kelly