1982-1983 Yearbook

Linda Arnold - One of a Kind "Remembering this year at Harding Academy, we are not going to reca ll all the events that took place. but we will remember t he teachers. These individuals are remembered because of their dedication to their jobs and to their students and for thei r love and concern for others. Because of these specia l characte ri stics some teachers wi ll be remembered more v ividl y than others." _ Carol Coker, 1981 Academy Editor. The senior's cho ice for dedication this year was born in Abilene, Texas, but due to her dad's graduation they left her birthplace when she was six weeks old. After her challenging high school days at J. Frank Dobey High School in Pasadena, 296/0edication Texas, she attended Harding Co llege. Upon graduation she began her teaching ca reer at the summer sc hool sess ion of Harding Academy in 1977. " Teaching here has given me a greater iove for the Lord, " sa id this yea r' s recipient. She enjoys the chall enge of staying one step ahead of the students. By such involvement she has been able to "keep up in the main stream of things" and communi cate with students on their leve l. Because of her sensiti vity, patience, kindness, and love for the Lord, she has become a spec ial teacher and friend. We, the senior class of 1983, dedicate our portion of the Petit Jean to you, Miss Linda Arnold . '«::. - /a5Ofl Clevenger