1982-1983 Yearbook

294/Academy Division This year, as in all years, Harding Academy had a spirit that set it apart from the average high school. Its opportunities and advantages were numerous and its Christian at· mosphere was unique. As one alumnus said, "Harding isn't heaven, but it'll help you get there." One important characteristic of the Academy was its positive attitude. New students felt accepted and were excited about making new friends. The administration and teachers were genuinely concerned about the physical and spiritual welfare of the students. Because students were regarded as friends, teachers found them easier to understand and help. The smallness of the student body encouraged a sense of "family" that large schools cannot attain. Students had a cohesiveness that goes beyond the pleasant smiles in the halls - they really cared for one another. None of these qualities, however, would make a great difference in the lives of people unless their actions were based upon the principles set forth in the Word of God. Harding Academy had a successful year primarily because it was, and is, founded upon honor, loyalty, truth, and faith in God. '-«. - Michael Kelly Academy Editor Academy Includes Dedication 296 298 304 306 309 315 322 324 336 338 341 352 357 Student Life Music Social Clubs Organizations Honors Spirit Builders Sports Intramurals Faculty Classes Elementary Epilogue "