- DarreJl L. Truitt Gareth Flanary, a Biblical languages major from Dubors, Pa., left Harding well-prepared for his plan of going into mission work. Gareth participated in various campaigns and was vice president of the World Evangelism Forum. Gareth was also a member of AGO social club. According to Gareth, "The mission of each Christian is the presentation of Christ. We are all priests and servants of God." " Learning to appreciate my family, my friends, and most importantly my chance to be educated in a Christian environment," was an important asepct of Ken Fowler's years at Harding. Ken, an accounting major from Southaven, Miss., was a member of the TNT social club and a beau for Zeta Rho. Ken also served as treasurer for the S.A. and was involved in College Republ icans. Zac Muncy, who served as S.A. president, was a public administration major from Searcy. Zac was active in TNT social club and the Barristers pre-law club. Zac commented on his years at Harding by saying he had "ga ined a better understanding of the world I I ive in and a better knowledge of the Bible." Home Economics major Jane Futrell came to Harding from Atlanta, Ga. While at Harding, Jane was a member of Tri Kappa as well as a queen for Buccaneers. With all of her social activities, Jane stili managed to win the award for the highest CPA in home economics three times. By coming to Harding, Jane was able to " learn to accept the differences in people and appreciate for who they are." Who's Who/289